1) “Birds of a feather flock together?” 2) “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush?” 3) “Killing two birds with one stone?” 4) “Bye bye Birdie?” 5) “Old time feathers belong on old time birds?” 6) “A modern “feather duster” is most often made of synthetic materials only designed and manufactured to resemble authentic bird feathers whose actual possession and use in specific products may or may not be illegal in some jurisdictions.” Am I getting warm or cold?
Ever hear the one about the guy arrested by a Fish and Wild Life Officer for killing and consuming an American Bald Eagle, which of course is illegal, and whose case was going to be heard by a staunch Wild Life Supporting Superior Court Judge who traditionally handed down extremely harsh sentences in cases involving this Federally Protected National Bird of Prey?
Well, the defendant explained to the Judge that he was from the city and unfamiliar with the realities of outdoor life and his car had broken down in the forested mountains where he ultimately became lost trying to hike back out. He had been in the woods for days without any food and only minimal water he drank from small creek ponds. Very hungry and on the verge of collapse he observed a large eagle fly to and perch in the fork of a tall Pine tree branch. The Eagle had a large Salmon in it’s talons which it had apparently scooped up from some nearby water source and had just begun to tear at it for nourishment. It was then when the idea first occurred to him of stealing the fish from the bird. If he could throw a rock high enough into the tree to frighten the Eagle, it might drop the fish so the man could eat, survive, and eventually make his way out of the forest. The judge listened intently to the man’s story and was initially very suspicious and told the man so, but continued to listen to the detailed story. The man continued by saying when he threw the rock (only to scare the Eagle and force it to drop the fish) the rock unfortunately hit the bird right smack in the head knocking it to the ground and killing it, while the actual prize he was after (the Salmon) became stuck too high in the tree branch to be obtained and consumed. Since the Salmon was stuck up in the tree and too difficult to obtain and the Eagle was already on the ground and dead, the man decided to eat what he could of the Eagle for survival sustenance in hopes of eventually finding his way out of the forest. He explained he had just finished plucking most of the feathers off the bird and had started to chew at the legs and some breast meat when the Fish and WIld Life Officer suddenly entered the clearing where the man was observed hunched over the remains of the protected Eagle. While placing the man under arrest the officer explained the Judge who would ultimately hear the case was an environmentalist who dealt quite harshly with those violating protective species statutes and the man should be very careful in presenting any offered defense. During court, and after the defendant had finished presenting his defense, the judge called a recess for lunch stating he would render a decision after consideration of all the facts after the break. After lunch the defendant sat nervously waiting for the judge’s decision. The judge confirmed he loved nature and would have thrown the book at the man for such a despicable act as eating the protected National Bird, but considering the “city slickers” emergency situation of being without food for days, along with the fact the eagle had been accidentally killed in the failed attempt to obtain the Salmon for food, the Judge dismissed the charges and released the man without further delay. The man thanked the Judge for his understanding and compassion in the matter and happily proceeded to leave the court when the Judge asked the man, out of his own burning curiosity, “what in the world does an American Bald Eagle taste like anyway?” The man, while rounding the corner of the courtroom doors on his way out, smiled and said, “Hard to say your Honor, kind of a cross between a Spotted Owl and California Condor.”
But I digress.
Joe Biden’s campaign agreed to an inspection for electronic ear pieces at tonight’s debate several days ago but are now declining.
You do realize this could all just be another DemoRAT play on words right?
I mean, seriously, here’s the same sentence with only one minor change:
Joe Biden’s campaign agreed to an inspection for electronic ear pieces at tonight’s debate several days ago but are now declining.
What might Biden be hide’n? CHECK WHAT?
My best to you and yours, Lew
Counting the hours and minutes until debate yeah?
Hard to get on with my day when I read such nonsense written by Ohio Democrat politician Sherrod Brown. Here are some of my “off the cuff” responses (in A BOLD FACED FONT) to some of his DEMO CRAP.
Brown writes-
What are all of these workers who lost jobs because of this pandemic, what are they to do, without the $600 a week in unemployment insurance they lost, because President Trump and Leader McConnell and Republican Senators, simply in August, let it expire?
Starts out with some excellent questions but then (as is so common with these DEMS) incorrectly attributes the problem to President Trump whereas CA Rep Nancy Pelosi and her group of leftists are the ones who refused to co-operate with Republicans on a lesser amount of unemployment payment with the Democrats pushing instead for FINANCIAL BAILOUTS OF IRRESPONSIBLE AND FAILING DEMOCRAT MANAGED STATES. [Like her nephew’s CALIFORNIA!] When Democrats don’t get what they wrongfully demand they are the ones who let INNOCENT CITIZENS SUFFER while simultaneously blaming President Trump for what they did! A typical Democrat “bait and switch” gimmick, money gets legislated and approved for a specific purpose then is wrongfully RE-ALLOCATED TO other DEMOCRAT OBJECTIVES far removed from the approved and intended use. (Rather like state and federal grant funds provided to assist current water customers during a prolonged state emergency drought but actually utilized to develop an expensive publicly subsidized groundwater substitution program to provide a special benefit “blended water” service to LAFCO (Local Agency Formation Commission) annexations [or perhaps better understood as just another abused democrat designed local government scam for their “special interests”] OUTSIDE THE 40+ year PERMITTED USE AREA FOR MERCED RIVER WATER per WATER LICENSE 11395. Sure, intricately designed and implemented over decades – but still CLEARLY A CONTINUING CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY to violate California State water law, fraudulently operate a local public water agency to the benefit of land development interests while victimizing thousands of legal water using MANDATORY CUSTOMERS within an absolute FRAUD OF A CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICT FORMED BY THE VERY LAFCOs EXPLOITING ITS EXISTENCE AND LIMITED RESOURCES since its formation! THE SWAMP IS EVERYWHERE! Still wonder about any Federal implications of such criminal activity interfering with the nation’s water supply.)
These families face impossible decisions – do they drain their savings? Do they go to payday lender? Do they put their bills on credit cards? Or are they out of options, do they face eviction? All of those are horrible choices that people shouldn’t have to make.
Americans are frustrated for good reason, they’re angry for good reason. They’ve lost loved ones because of President Trump’s failure to get this pandemic under control.
Good questions and observations but once again wrongfully attributes to President Trump. Not President Trump’s fault the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) bio-logically attacked the world by intentionally failing to notify other nations of their failure to contain extremely dangerous research on bio-logical warfare experiments. When President Trump DID RESTRICT/PROHIBIT CHINESE AIRCRAFT (full of diseased passengers by the way) from coming to America YOU DEMOCRATS VILIFIED HIM AS A RACIST! You attacked a BRILLIANT UNPRECEDENTED MOVE ON THE PRESIDENT’S PART only because it came from President Trump. Want answers? Look to the Communist Chinese Government and Governors like CA’s Gavin Newsom (perhaps his auntie Nancy Pelosi too?) who work secret deals with the CCP behind the backs of even his own Democrat legislators – not to mention the California citizens who have suffered from such betrayals.
So many public schools can’t open in-person. Parents and teachers are under an overwhelming amount of stress. School districts and families simply don’t have the resources for all the additional technology and safety precautions they need to open safely.
Our state governments, our local communities are looking at massive layoffs. Small businesses that are the lifeblood of local communities are shuttering, one after another, some of them permanently.
And for months, Leader McConnell and President Trump just refused to pass anything to help this country get through this crisis.
UNTRUE. Once again, great observations but incorrectly suggesting all a fault of President Trump and his administration. Imagine, Trump must not only deal with the ramifications of the CCP’s unethical global virus attack but also with the Anti-American activities of your DEMOCRAT PARTY which only makes matters worse. SEE ABOVE.
The stock market is back up, so they think everything is just fine, because President Trump, a good stock market automatically means a good economy. Nothing to do with wages. Nothing to do with employment. Nothing to do with people’s standards of living. They see no urgency.
Pull your head out of your ass! IF THE STOCK MARKET COLLAPSES SO DOES THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Everything you complain about would be moot without a viable country.
But now, after months of inaction, they are willing to drop everything, they’re willing to move heaven and earth to put another corporate special interest judge on the Supreme Court.
No. Placing Constitution and Rule of Law supporting Associate Justices on the Supreme Court was part of the Trump plan from the beginning, just another example of a promise to the people that President Trump is making good on – PROMISES MADE, PROMISES KEPT. I can appreciate the Democrat confusion as it is something they have rarely been able to accomplish. Oh sure, they can promise the Moon and Stars but traditionally only deliver squat with only another hollow promise of getting it done “next time” if only re-elected this time! Just a continuing cycle of failure – is that Trump’s fault also? lol
Leader McConnell has spent the last six months ignoring this pandemic and this economic crisis, and now he wants to pack the court –that is supposed to serve the American people and dispense fair justice – he wants to pack the court in a way that will put another corporate special interest judge on the court with another judge who always rules for corporations over workers.
NO. “Packing the court” is a stated Democrat goal (increasing the number of justices so Democrats always have an unfair advantage) President Trump, and his administration, are merely continuing to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN despite the Democrats clear movement towards Socialist and Communist philosophies concealed within their WRONGFULLY MOTIVATED DEMOCRAT INTERPRETATION OF CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES. (DemoRATS don’t want the swamp drained because that is where they live and thrive.)
So much is at stake with this nominee.
YES, I AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY! But what is at stake? A return to a COMMON SENSE GOVERNMENT free of the Communist and/or Socialist Left special interests that have harmed this country for decades thanks to Anti-American DEMOCRATS.
The Supreme Court will hear yet another case trying to overturn the entire Affordable Care Act in just a few weeks.
The judge could do what the American people rejected over and over – he could, the judges could throw out the entire Affordable Care Act. They would take away the protections for preexisting conditions for millions of Americans in the middle of a pandemic.
WRONG AGAIN! The PEOPLE OF AMERICA never voted for Obama’s ACA – it was wrongfully forced upon them with false information, deceptions, and outright lies. President Trump and his Administration are replacing that LOSER of a Health plan with something much better for the individual and the country.
Families’ health care is at stake. Incorrect, unless there is continued Democrat involvement.
Americans’ ability to vote is at stake, with this court. Wrong. Democrats have always been the professional VOTING CHEATS! FOR DECADES! DEMS are against VOTER ID because of the rampant voter fraud they support and maintain. Crap! Look at what is being discovered right now in Minnesota and other Democrat States regarding cash for ballots/votes!
Worker protections on the job are at stake. Wrong. No basis for statement – simple and unjustified fear mongering in hopes of gathering “fear motivated support” for disingenuous Democrats pushing America towards the great failure known as Socialism. (If they think it so great, why not move to such a country? Ooops! Forgot. Doesn’t exist. Maybe they should go elsewhere and get their aspirations going? lol)
The freedom to organize a union is at stake. Wrong. See above.
The progress we have made on equality and civil rights, especially for LGBTQ equality is at stake. Incorrect. See above.
Reforming our justice system is at stake. Incorrect. See above.
American privacy rights in the digital age are stake. Incorrect. See above. (Unless Democrats involved.)
Women’s freedom to make their own healthcare decisions also is at stake. Incorrect. See above.
And with the President of the United States continuously threatening he will not accept the results of the election, I mean think of that. No president’s ever done that. Threatening he won’t accept the results of the election. Our democracy is at stake as he tries to install another Trump judge on the court. Absolutely incorrect. See above. I am a regular news viewer and have never heard President Trump threaten to not accept the results of a fair election, but he does caution about the known decades of Democrat registration and election fraud. Who in their right mind would agree to accept something unknown that hasn’t happened yet? This is another example of how Democrats simply play word games. Look how they “interview” republican candidates for any important position…..”Have you stopped lying yet?” LOL
The American people deserve to have their voices heard on these decisions that affect their lives. People have already started voting – they’re already- as we speak, as we listen. They’re casting ballots. These votes should count. See above (especially voter fraud and current investigations in Minnesota and other states. Apparently this Democrat also supports the counting of invalid ballots. Remember the old Chicago election expression? “VOTE EARLY – VOTE OFTEN!”)
This comes down to one question: whose side are you on? Simple: The United States of America, therefore: President Trump, his administration and all patriotic legal American citizens.
McConnell and Trump are going to drop everything to grab more power for corporations and for their wealthy friends. Wrong. No basis for statement – simple and unjustified fear mongering in hopes of gathering “fear motivated support” for disingenuous Democrats pushing America towards the failure known as Socialism. President Trump has done more good for this country than Sleepy Joe Biden has in almost 50 years!
Democrats are going to keep fighting for everyone else – we’re fighting to put money in pockets of workers, to manufacture more masks and coronavirus tests, and to support schools and communities and small businesses.
Same old Democrat promises to provide any and everything to ANYONE (legal citizens or not). Who would be foolish enough to believe such traditional Democrat nonsense? (“Democrats are going to keep fighting for everyone else –“? Sure, I’d believe that by only adding… except the legal US citizen!)
We fight to reform our justice system. Incorrect, see above. (Actually retard justice system)
We fight to meet- we’re rising to meet this moment. Incorrect, see above.
If you love this country, you fight for the people who make it work. Agreed, that’s why patriots support President Trump (a president Democrats sought to illegally remove through a HOAX IMPEACHMENT with known patently false information along with misuse/abuse of government law enforcement entities and intelligence agencies)
That’s what Democrats will continue to do every single day. ABSOLUTELY INCORRECT WHEN REFERENCING THE ABOVE STATEMENT. Democrats surreptitiously fight for the people attempting to destroy this country and its Constitutional Freedoms and Rule of Law.
Great, now I’m hungry. lol
My best to you and yours, Lew
Well, same old problem – not enough time but I figure a partially complete idea is better than nothing. I guess. Perhaps I’ll come back to this with some revisions, but for now I’m done. Have much more to organize. lol Organize? Me? lol
AGIT DOGS. AGIT COGS. AGITATOR CATCH GEARS. Whatever- they are necessary components for the successful “CA-CHUNK” cycle in your washing machine.
COGS? DOGS? (Recall the Sewing Senior LAME? Bottom “feed dog?” of the sewing machine?)
Well in this case, they are little plastic tear-drop looking pieces that allow the top portion of the agitator to move freely in one direction while locking it up (top portion of agitator) and preventing it from moving in the other direction. This process creates the “CA-CHUNK” portion of the “CA-CHUNK CHA CHA CHA” process (only my interpretation of the traditional noise produced in my type of a properly functioning washing machine).
I noticed last week that although there was still “washing machine noises” indicating some agitation was occurring, something wasn’t right. After a couple of experiments with carefully placed clothing in the tub and repeatedly opening and closing the door to see the reaction of the material in the water, (did not want to “dig into the machine” to override the safety switch which stops the motor every time the door is opened) I tried turning the agitator by hand and noticed the traditional “locking in one direction” no longer worked. Big clue. The top portion of the agitator was free spinning in both directions. (The bottom agitator portion was working fine, but alas, no “CA-CHUNK” with my CHA CHA CHA CHAS! lol)
Almost as simple as make, model and serial number. Enter those on the manufacturer’s webpage then read various descriptions of common agitator problems, select the situation most fitting, watch a couple of repair videos, order repair parts and then wait for their delivery. This is the hardest part for me…..the waiting for new parts. Once again I found it quite helpful to reassemble the agitator with the old parts for two reasons: 1) Needed parts for the ultimate repair don’t get misplaced or lost, and 2) by reassembling the equipment soon after disassembly (with the old parts when possible) I become more familiar with the unit and how it operates so the eventual “repair” goes much easier.
Here are some photos of the repair project:
BELOW: Agitator in center of washing tub
BELOW: Removing liquid softener container (Note: Parts were often difficult to separate due to years of trapped and accumulating lint and soap film/scum. Yes rather gross but I kept telling myself…..heck, it’s probably clean gross stuff anyway. lol)
BELOW: Cap with black rubber o-ring seal that prevents water from seeping down to motor spindle. (In this model the cap is removed by pulling on the two finger bands (10 o’clock position to 4 o’clock position running through the center of the seal cap. Pull it out just like a tub drain plug. REM these parts were pretty gross at first – might have to wiggle it around to get it out of the agitator housing.)
BELOW: Cap and seal removed exposing bolt holding agitator to spindle.
BELOW: Removing 7/16″ bolt.
BELOW: Remove entire agitator unit (there are two pieces, upper (with the spiraling vanes, and the bottom with the four vertical vanes) that will be later separated.
BELOW: Gently hold the bottom portion on the floor with your feet and lift the upper portion of the agitator off the bottom part (once again, these parts will be held together with years of lint, soap film, etc., so a little wiggling while lifting will probably be necessary to separate the two pieces)
BELOW: There we go! Upper and lower agitator pieces separated. We will be concerned with the upper portion so you can place the bottom part somewhere else so you don’t accidentally step on it and break and/or slip on the sucker resulting in some other personal injury. (The DIY setting of broken bones is not recommended or covered in this post. lol)
BELOW: Inside the upper part you will see a circular plastic piece that fits into the agitator housing like a doughnut in a coffee can. IMPORTANT NOTE: this plastic container retains the four AGIT DOGS held in place (upside down) by a large yellow plastic washer like piece. BEFORE DISMANTLING THESE PARTS make sure the sink drain is covered or anything else where small parts might get dropped and lost. Top of the closed door washer with a towel over it is perfect as the towel will help prevent pieces from bouncing off the lid and ending up behind the machine – or worse – down an open drain!
BELOW: So if the geared cogs are also called “dogs”, couldn’t this unit be called the “DOG HOUSE”? lol The yellow washer like piece just slips over the middle column and the rounded yellow lobes hold the dogs in their individual rounded compartments. (next photo)
BELOW: With the yellow “washer-like cap retainer” removed you can see where the small end of the tear drop replacement cogs/dogs drop into their individual compartment. You can also see by the design of the housing these cogs can wiggle in place because they are “hinged” in the rounded compartment, if the other end wiggles outside the container, the gears on the cogs catch the plastic gears within the agitator causing it to abruptly stop (start?). CA-CHUNK! More on that later. PLEASE REALIZE – when reassembling: the geared portions of the “tear drop cogs” must be completely inside the outer rim of the holder, or the cogs will be pushed out of alignment by the circular gear teeth inside the agitator. (upon which they catch when working properly) IN OTHER WORDS – REMEMBER the doughnut example? Well, inside the coffee can (agitator) there is a ring of small plastic gears that the above “DOG HOUSE – DOUGHNUT” must slip inside.
(BELOW) Maybe this will help explain
So basically, the bottom agitator is going one way, but the top portion repeatedly suddenly stops (due to the cogs catching the agitator housing) but as the gear grip releases due to sudden lack of motion (or is it the opposite? that the dogs suddenly engage and are pushed to release? don’t know, don’t care right now. lol), the cycle only begins again due to the continuing motion of the bottom agitator – yup, you got it…. CA-Chunk Cha Cha Cha, CA-Chunk Cha Cha Cha …
BELOW: OK, here’s another tricky part, lining up and reassembling without knocking the DOGS in the DOGHOUSE out of position!
BELOW: Install agitator unit with the 7/16″ bolt
BELOW: Replace the cap and seal and the liquid softener dispenser,.
BELOW: Well, at least it looks nice and clean now….but what about…….
Pressed for time so could you please imagine a crappy almost music accompaniment for me? – lol
Think I’ll call this, ”TOP OF BULLSHIT PYRAMID”
Every single legal option, alternative, possibility, etc., to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN and replace the Anti-American socialist left democrat bullshit that has hampered this country and her citizens for so many years should be pursued with all the vigor and determination it is unquestionably worthy.
Think about it – all our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS hang precariously by the “interpretation” of those rights by a majority of the justices, so for example, more PRO-second Amendment voices on the bench would likely bring an end to the Socialist Left Democrat advancing goal of completely abolishing a citizen’s right to own and responsibly use firearms and other self defense weapons. We’ve all just watched on TV what happens when “mob mentality” is permitted to rule the streets. The evil just moves into other areas with impunity. I’m curious, what would anti-gunners do to defend themselves and their families when attacked by an organized Anti-American group breaking into their property and/or home? (Forget police – they’ve already been de-funded under a Biden-Harris Mis-administration.)
Think citizens are already victims the way things were going recently? Take away their right to defend themselves and they could easily just cease to exist. What does every oppressive government have in common? The people have been disarmed and their ability for self defense has been greatly reduced if not completely eliminated.
Every Presidential election is obviously important, but this one coming up will surely rank as a turning point regarding American Freedoms and Protections granted under the Constitution which have been relentlessly attacked by the left. Look at the concepts of Rule of Law and equal enforcement under the law and think what these Democrats almost got away with during that SHAM OF A PRESIDENTIAL IMPEACHMENT. (Democrats are now feverishly trying to force an investigation into the current investigation because they’re worried about the information being discovered that implicates them! (Hummm….just like the crooked FBI officials deleting all information from their phones which might have provided EVEN MORE EVIDENCE OF THEIR DUPLICITY! Wait a second???? Didn’t the FBI go out of their way to cover up HILARY CLINTON’s lies about her missing communication files and use of non-government devices which were likely hacked by adversaries? Hell, these Democrat crooks are terrified of a court that could AND WOULD punish them like the rest of us for obvious wrongdoing! IT IS THEIR SWAMP AND THEY DON’T WANT IT DRAINED BECAUSE THEY ARE THE RULERS THERE WITH COMPLETE IMMUNITY FROM PROSECUTION – but as other swamp creatures are removed from office their cumulative power and authority is also reduced and minimized. EVERY SINGLE POSITION MUST BE FLUSHED OF ANTI-AMERICAN OFFICIALS who continually chip away at the fundamental values of what it is to be an American citizen. Reducing the significance of your vote is a primary example, but I digress as is so usual.
Got to get out of here much to do…..started another repair project also, this time with the clothes washing machine! Later.
My best to you and yours, Lew
I have my doubts because I truly believe that in any fairly constructed debate President Donald Trump will eat Joe Biden alive and that is something Democrats certainly do not want America to witness any more than they already have.
Humm, perhaps the question should be rephrased?
How many believe a legitimate Presidential debate will actually take place?
Unfortunately, not much imagination is required to envision a debate corrupted with the further typical Democrat nonsense that has harmed Our Country for such a very long time. Follow me? A debate that gets hi-jacked with a bunch of ridiculous last minute rules carefully calculated to benefit a shaky “Quid Pro Joe” while simultaneously hamstringing the continuing success of a confident President Trump.
Imagine…..President Trump is obviously mopping the debate floor with “Burisma Joe” through a bombardment of facts and examples as to “China Joe’s” collusion with America’s adversaries and the continuing betrayal of all American Citizens, when suddenly the former VP gathers a thought that has been defensively drilled into what grey matter he still commands by his handlers. Biden is quite excited with his wide eyed apparent “brainstorm” evidenced by his typical (and often inappropriate) increased volume of speech while ranting. While waving his arms like a wind battered scarecrow he stammers out the equivalent of a bell signaling the end of a boxing round with a frantic desperate cry of
whereupon his scripted entourage of Leftist gamers point the “debate” in an entirely different direction.
The President’s successful verbal barrage of truth is immediately stopped thus breaking the momentum which was clearly signaling the approaching end of a very short contest. The bruised and battered Democrat excuse for a legitimate challenger wearily zig zags a meandering path back to the darkened corner where leftist supporters undeservingly praise him for his pathetic display while simultaneously attempting to fill his confused brain with easy to recall one liner attack quips. Yup, quick and Joe-easy to remember one liners that again reveal Hide’n Biden’s entire campaign – attack the President personally while ignoring the fact President Donald Trump has done, is doing, and will do, more for the United States of America and her citizens than a Sleepy Joe Biden could ever dream of in his rapidly deteriorating brain.
Frustratingly triumphant, President Trump heads for his well lighted corner packed with supporters of every description to simply wait until the GO JOE support team deems China Joe recovered enough to reengage his eager opponent. This process happens again, and again. Joe is getting intellectually beat up so the fight is temporarily suspended to allow him to rest and prepare for his next downfall while President Trump’s exquisite performance is systematically interrupted again and again to prevent a decisive knockout blow for all America (and the entire world) to witness and appreciate.
My best to you and yours, Lew
PS: Oh yeah…. another element to this parody: elder abuse charges were ultimately brought and successfully prosecuted against members of the GO JOE SUPPORT TEAM for intentionally placing an incompetent has-been of an elder in a fight ring.