Perhaps I should start this February 22nd, 2017 LDPCSD meeting blah blah blah by jumping ahead with a couple of admissions.

Yes, I was impolite in calling LDPCSD General Manager Peter Kampa a liar during yesterday’s second special board meeting at 1300hrs which followed the 1000hrs Audit Report Special Meeting.  (Attended both meetings that were back to back with a 30 minute break.)
Yes, I am cognizant such outbursts do not assist legitimate complaints and protests of  the disingenuous activities of KAMPA & KOMPANY and could likely alienate otherwise supportive leaning viewers – for that I am truly and deeply regretful.
Yes, I will attempt to muster more respect for the Board’s desired decorum despite a genuine lack of respect and trust for their activities.
However, with the above in mind, I am also a paying “mandatory customer” of that PUBLIC AGENCY  and respect is a two way street.   How can the truth ever be flushed out (WITHOUT INTERRUPTION) when the public is consistently denied the opportunity to have pertinent topics placed on the agenda for discussion and those responsible for the unethical activity are in charge of what is put on the agenda?
Vicious little circle eh?

Although certainly not an affirmative defense for rude behavior, please still consider this  …..

If someone ever called me a liar in a public meeting I would immediately and clearly deny the accusation and demand production of any evidence they believe supported their statement.

PETE KAMPA clearly cannot respond in such a way because he knows very well he has lied about district operations and evidence of his fabrications of the truth exist in his own words and writings.  Therefore KAMPA’s only alternative is to prohibit and avoid discussion of matters which involve and/or illustrate his well documented lack of veracity.   These facts directly relate to his character, trustworthiness, and performance of duties as the GM of a public agency.

Still I felt conflicted this morning – perhaps even a bit embarrassed that I am not more remorseful for yesterday’s outburst.   Tossed and turned all night rehashing what had happened and this morning the following just oozed out from my waking brain.


Politely they just keep on screwing us

Calmly concealing the lie

While demanding a Church-like environment

For the truth KAMPA expertly hides.

But why do they heed PETE direction?

A confirmed liar with obvious intent

Of continuing the fraud started decades ago

Liability likely a hint.

In for a penny, in for a pound

Public funds they misappropriate

Attempting defense of well earned contempt

Is correction ever too late?

Legitimate questions keep piling up

Their answers so arrogantly denied

Where is authority to make this thing right

And stop this SNEAKY PETE RIDE?

$! $! $! $! $! $! $! $! $! $! $!

OK, let’s move forward because I could spend the whole day discussing why Pete Kampa has proven himself to be extremely dishonest regarding his “working motivation” for this community services district.

As you may have already viewed, prior to the meeting I created some {attempted humorous} rebuttals to KAMPA’s “RESPONSES” during that two day storm power outage.  Yes indeed, I knew exactly what he was doing by dumping the requests into his GM Report (which are sometimes detached from the noticed agenda packet) – so they were not on the agenda which meant NO DISCUSSION or possible action by the board.  (Just wait until we get to that part…..he didn’t even mention them in his verbal meeting report!  Jumped right over them!  Kampa is a very biased and dishonest general manager with much to hide from the public.

First the “HA! WE DON’T HAVE TO ANSWER” shower snake dance:

Second “HA! GOES THE WEASEL”  (Manipulating a simple guitar picked “Pop goes the weasel” tune):

(Geez, now that I’ve viewed these again, perhaps I should be more embarrassed?  lol

Oh well, if you can’t laugh at yourself…..

And finally, some rough notes regarding Kampa’s clever agenda request denials:


KAMPA’s first response to request #1 illustrates his






a clear request made multiple times. 

Perhaps not a big surprise when you think about it because, as noted below, PETER KAMPA when first employed with the LDPCSD 20 years ago agreed to furnish this map and also failed to do so back then.  Sorry, but the man cannot be trusted when it comes to his biased representation of those property owners Outside the Merced Irrigation District Place of Use under water license 11395.  Evidenced 20 years ago as well as today.

If nothing else, good ‘ol “SNEAKY PETE KAMPA” is consistently disingenuous when it comes to providing factual public information regarding the legitimately approved water service boundaries of this District.

But hey!  This is perfectly understandable, because how can he be expected to provide truthful information when it assists in exposing his past involvement and continuing misrepresentation of this festering decades old issue?

Here are the agenda requests with Pete’s responses and my rough notes printed in red – all bypassed in the meeting without my “interruptions”.


Then, when the agenda packet came out just before the meeting, only 3 of the 4 pages of the agenda requests were actually presented in his GM report!


oops!  another oozing poem

GM Kampa, for one reason or another,

Failed to include the submitted map,

Was he concerned it was too clear making sense?

Perhaps it just made him mad?



So much happened yesterday …. let’s start with the 1000hrs February 22nd, 2017 Special Board Meeting  with the two agenda items:

a.  Presentation and acceptance of the annual audit and,  b. Educational presentation by GM Kampa.

Oh yeah, something else which by itself is fairly meaningless but considering the frequency and attempts to cover it up, still interesting.  Many of these meetings start late and on more than one occasion Board President Danny Johnson has attempted to use the board room clock time which seems to always run slow.  People are usually waiting for the meeting to start on time but either the GM is not present or late presented information needs to be copied and handed out. This is another potential problem with checks and balances in addition to adequate meeting preparation time since these handouts (which Kampa assures are legal and acceptable) are not tied to the agenda packet in a way (page numbered to packet) to prevent later manipulation or substitution – without verification by listening to the meeting audio recordings which are evidently to be now routinely destroyed.  So many little things that just don’t add up correctly.



My best to you and yours, Lew

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