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8K LDPCSD February 22nd, 2017 Meeting. GM REPORT & UC MERCED RESEARCHERS

8K. The “K” stands for KEEP – so I would not confuse this file with the other saved backups.  I had to split up one BIG FILE into two smaller ones due to the enhanced aggravation of working with too much information at a time.

No doubt much of it operator error since I still have a tendency to issue conflicting commands with accidental movements of this new mouse with the side button (forward-backward I think-don’t use it except for accident).

Anyway, part two, aka, #8K.    Tah-Dah!

Sure am glad I don’t repeat myself much.

This month’s agenda packet didn’t look or feel right.

Heck, the packet wasn’t even stapled together like Syndie always does in the LDPCSD office.  You know?  Those huge heavy commercial staples for multi-paged documents?  Keeps the pages together when turned multiple times, if someone cares to read and study the material.  Mine fell apart very quickly.  Maybe the stapler was broken?  Who knows?


Is this what KAMPA referred to when he said the presentation was in “pieces”.

That forced me to consider how many “OFFICIAL RECORDS” of the LDPCSD have been corrupted with “DRAFTS”, “PROPOSED REVISIONS”, UPDATES, REVISED REPLACEMENTS, outright FABRICATED SUBSTITUTIONS, etc. and processed through other governmental departments, agencies, offices, etc?   MO with ETDs?



(Modus operandi or Method of Operation)




Imagine all those ETDs “making the circuit” as if legitimately constructed and approved by appropriate authorities (Facilitated through a presumption that information furnished by other governmental entities is authentic?)  A massive fraud perpetrated for decades against entitled MERCED RIVER WATER using customers of the LAKE DON PEDRO subdivision with ETDs – especially those bogus District water service maps real estate and land development interests drooled over.

GOSH!  How easy would it be for such unethical individuals to later “replace” particularly damaging or uncomplimentary sections of agenda packets that were originally presented “in pieces” with other “ETD pieces” having the same page numbers?

Just a thought, for anyone who cared to think about it in conjunction with the LDPCSD’s multi-exampled history of utilizing such ETDs and KAMPA’s undeniable past of misrepresenting LDPCSD information to other government departments/agencies.

Sure am glad I don’t repeat myself much.

Seems my agenda requests were not the only items ignored by KAMPA.  Guess he just forgot to mention to the board a claim against the LDPCSD by PG&E for damages to its facilities in the amount of $16,886.26?

It was in KAMPA’s GM Report if someone cared to read it, but no discussion was permitted during the meeting.

Remember a while back when CSD was digging up pipelines at the treatment plant?  Found lines they had no idea why they were there or where they went?  Also exposed a high voltage conduit that was full of water?

Then that STATE MANDATED project was immediately stopped for safety reasons resulting in a MAJOR PG&E emergency call-out of many trucks and personnel?

Well, PG&E wants reimbursement for the repair costs to their underground facilities that were (damaged at some time) while under control of the LDPCSD.

Of course Kampa will likely just turn it over to our insurance carrier.  Kampa can actually hide a lot of his “mischief” with and behind the resources of our public agency along with his own for-profit limited liability company, KAMPA COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS, LLC, aka  KAMPACS.

I doubt KAMPA will be able to ignore PG&E and put them off like he does customers who ask legitimate questions that are never answered.

Serious questions about his performance, fiduciary duty and loyalty to the district and the majority of “legal customers” since being returned to the district.

Returned to where he began his infamous water career in 1993.

Returned through a highly unethical board orchestrated closed recruitment process for GM.  A process that insured KAMPA would be GM and then authorized to leverage our million dollar savings in order to expand outside PLACE OF USE water service through a GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION PROGRAM created with public funds and government grant money.

Grant money that was intended to benefit existing LDPCSD customers during a severe drought and specifically noted- NOT FOR EXPANSION OF WATER SERVICE.

Wonder if the UC Merced researchers could expand their project to include how special interest land development corruption has detrimentally influenced the LDPCSD for decades?

How these interests have obstructed the district’s prime directive of serving MERCED RIVER WATER from LAKE Mc CLURE to domestic home sites in the subdivision.

Or how public fund use can be diverted from intended beneficiaries to those special interests?

What about the health effects on those legally entitled to Merced River Water use under WL11395 who are prohibited from drilling their own private water wells yet as MANDATORY CUSTOMERS OF THE LDPCSD BY WAY OF PROPERTY OWNERSHIP IN THE SUBDIVISION are forced to subsidize outside PLACE OF USE water service through a GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION PROGRAM utilizing expensive ground wells developed with public funds?

Government grants that could have repaired and replaced our failing primary surface water treatment plant infrastructure instead of expanding KAMPA’s required groundwater “alternate source” that he could then later sell outside the legal Place of Use?

KAMPA planned on selling our newly produced emergency groundwater to land developers not otherwise entitled to water service by the District under water license 11395.  That’s our “SNEAKY PETE” KAMPA!

At the risk of repeating myself – My best to you and yours, Lew 🙂



Categories: Uncategorized.

#7 FEB 22 2017 LDPCSD MONTHLY MEETING – GM REPORT+ (Almost fainted from something that reminds me of this)


Topic of capping abandoned groundwater wells.   LINK TO:    CALIFORNIA GROUND WELL INFORMATION

Some 411 on the capping of groundwater wells in California.  I tried to print 12 pages that I thought were particularly interesting but my printer protested at some of the diagrams, -wasted ink and paper, but check it out online, rather interesting.



This well capping situation reminds me of my last knee surgery years ago which was classified as an emergency.  I knew it was serious but never how serious until over and I was almost done with the physical rehabilitation.  Following the removal of a “plug” (scab at the incision site) there remained an open “canal or channel” running from the outside of my knee all the way into the center of the knee capsule.  These canals are evidently usually healed internally and not connected with the exterior “plug” scab.

Sometime later I was moving things in the garage (summer wearing cutoffs) when I felt what I thought was perspiration running down my right shin.  Continuing my work without looking I instinctively just wiped it away.  A short while later I again, without much concern, wiped something liquid  from my shin but this time glanced at the palm of my hand.  Didn’t appear to be sweat.  No, it was not urine thank you.  Almost caused such a reaction later, but no, urine is not involved in this story.  lol

I slowly rubbed the liquid between my thumb and index finger and noticed it felt like oil and was indeed actually lubricating the friction of rubbing my thumb and finger pads together.  I smelled it but it wasn’t motor oil or transmission fluid.  No smell as I recall.   I was puzzled and looked down at my shin and observed a very small trickle of something running down to the top of my white sports sock which was saturated and stained a light yellow.   Not good.


The liquid was only below my knee and not above but I was still oblivious as to what it was or where I picked it up.  I then looked at my surgery knee and while balancing on the other leg, retracted my leg up and back towards my butt and this yellow liquid squirted right out of my knee as if shot from a “super soaker” water gun!


When I extended my leg and straightened it out to put my body weight back on it, my knee made a sucking gurgling sound as air was sucked back into the area of the knee capsule which had just “squirted”  synovial fluid which is an odorless yellow light oil which  the human body produces to lubricate joints.  (By the way, the body keeps producing this lubricant even if constantly loosing it from an open wound – kind of a built in safety feature to keep us moving while injured during an emergency.  Oh yeah, it was totally painless too.)


Thought I was going to faint.  What the hell is this?  Infection?  Puss?  What’s happening?  (Yeah, I’m getting hungry too.) Sat down and held a towel to my knee.  Talked myself out of some light panic dizziness and while sitting on the garage floor leaned over to carefully examine my knee.  While slowing bending my knee up – sliding my foot inward on the floor towards my body, there she goes again…. SQUIRT!  And I mean squirted out some distance away from my body.  Oh boy!  Dizzy again.


Ultimately (and quite fortunately) a former Vietnam Veteran field medic agreed to take a look at my “Squirt Knee”.  After examination, he sterilized and bandaged my knee and commented he had never seen anything like it before suggesting I see my surgeon ASAP.   (Did not have to repeat that suggestion!)  The following “emergency surgery” closed the canal, cleaned out a bunch of “gunk” (technical surgeon lingo -lol)  and I have not had a problem since – other than the prognosis of an eventual total knee replacement which I hope to avoid.

WHY EMERGENCY?  The reason the surgery was an emergency is obvious to me now, but back then I just thought it was a peculiar injury and interesting situation.  (I could really freak people out who asked about the bandages by bending my knee in demonstration. Even with the bandages on – muffled sounding “farts” could quite easily be heard beneath.  Gross huh?  (Soup probably not on the menu tonight for me either.)  I was working on a comic routine where I would ask my knee simple questions and then force apparent responses out by bending the knee back to…..OK, enough.  lol

As the surgeon explained to me later, if only one germ or bacteria entered the interior knee capsule through that canal (during the sucking gurgling sound when my knee was answering comically staged and proposed questions to horrified onlookers) and found that perfect breeding environment for establishing a colony I would have developed an internal knee infection and my leg would have been subsequently amputated just above the knee.  I can understand why he did not advise of that possibility (telling me instead to just keep his bandages on until the surgery) because I would have been on the telephone ordering a giant sanitized plastic air bubble in which to reside until the surgery could be performed!  I would have been terrified.  


See the connection to the capping of abandoned ground wells?  Without a “plug” (cap) on the exposed above ground well opening (where the motor would normally be installed) outside contaminants have a direct entry point to the water source below through the well pipe casing.





There also exists the “attractive nuisance” for children exploring and becoming trapped in unsealed abandoned wells.  Wonder how many insects, lizards, gophers, rabbits, dogs, cats, etc have dropped below into a water supply and eventually decomposed  …..????  Yuk!



Here’s something that will shock you.  (Surprise surprise?)   I was once told by an experienced instructor/farmer that some individuals in the past were known to pull the well pump motor and pour concentrated chemicals directly into the aquifer below, reinstall the pump motor, and after waiting a while, pump the “underground mixed” solution through normal irrigation lines to the land.  Can you imagine that?

Same lame old time process of disposing of garbage into a stream or river to get it out of your immediate area – it doesn’t magically disappear but only becomes a problem for others in another area.  Air pollution….?  What about the EPAs Deep drilled  TOXIC WELLS?  (Drill a deep hole in the ground and PRESTO!  All that above ground nasty toxic stuff magically disappears!  Until it resurfaces decades later.)


Anyway, that’s tonight’s deviation!  Need to find something tolerable for dinner.    🙂


My best to you and yours, Lew


Categories: Uncategorized.


#6 And pushing forward.   WES BARTON, once again points out some pretty significant discrepancies in the Treasurer’s Report.  I wonder if customers will ever be provided the answers to these legitimate questions?  Oh sure, there’s a comment period alright that apparently goes nowhere because the issues are not placed on the agenda for discussion by the board and public.  Hummm, who controls that agenda process again?   Righhhhhhh………the General Manager who is also the Board Treasurer and the Board President who assisted in making sure only Pete Kampa and his Kampa Community Solutions, llc management company WOULD BE the GM.  (Have I mentioned that before?)

Just started the upload for this addition of the LEW’S VIEW Blah Blah Blah” but am unsure which camera recorded the video so it could take a long time. A very long time. So— ???

Resume the vegetation attack!!!

“To the weed slayer Fat Man!”

Supposedly more rain coming too… so— if I’m going to spray what has already been cut before it’s watered again (with more beautiful precipitation – not complaining at all), and starts growing like crazy again, I should, I really should…….”right now” stop typi















lol : )


My best to you and yours, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.



I was getting ready for another assault on hillside weeds when I realized something …. which was immediately followed by a horrible thought of potential “future accidents” regarding our paperwork with Pete Kampa at the helm of the LDPCSD.

Listen to this and see if the same thought hits you….


We know how motions and approvals work – what is stated in the motion is what is approved…..

Where does the motion qualify what exactly was approved?

The FINAL REPORT PRESENTED at the meeting is to be COMPLETELY REPLACED with the report in the agenda packet right?  – where is this condition stated or acknowledged in the approval motion?

Sure, we know what happened, but anyone reading the audit approval motion would not.  Should not that motion have been stated something to the effect:

“Subject to corrections discussed during the annual audit approval meeting”?

See what I mean?  Technically the current written board approval of that matter is devoid of one tiny but crucial condition –


What if another “accident happens” and the wrong AUDIT REPORT is filed with governmental regulatory agencies?  How would we know?  How would they know?  If another agency ever indeed had a reason to double check the information presented, their only confirmation would be the approved motion (with the missing condition), whereas, if the motion stated something like “subject to corrections…..” that agency would HAVE A CLUE there was more to the story than a simple audit approval by the board of directors.  That agency could then request other information such as Meeting Minutes, audio recordings, etc. IF THEY STILL EXISTED – if not?  Well, that agency would have cause for a more detailed investigation of he apparent mystery.

Personally I would like to see and be furnished a copy of the FINAL AUDIT the Board actually approves.  Perhaps a one agenda item Special Meeting could be scheduled for just that purpose?  In and out – no fuss.  Copies of the report to be approved and filed available for all customers who want a copy.

Heck, it wouldn’t even be necessary for “Auditor John” to appear unless he wanted to, because after all, tires and fuel are expensive.  🙂

My best to you and yours, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.




OK, let’s see if I correctly understand this mess?

The Final Audit was ultimately approved by the Board of Directors BUT CONDITIONED UPON COMPLETE REPLACEMENT with the one our Board Secretary distributed to the board and public?  The Secretary’s report was contained in the traditional monthly meeting agenda packet?  This Final Report replacement  was required because the final bound audit report from “Auditor John” (never  stated his last name during the audit presentation nor was his name located in the audit report) which was presented to the Board of Directors for approval contained different figures, one constituting a $443,000 difference?  This was a result of how Kampa capitalized the groundwater wells?

The auditor suggested the report error was likely a simple mistake occurring in HIS OFFICE when an employee accidentally had bound (as the Final Report) what in reality was a draft report prepared some time ago?   The Final Report presented by the auditor was issued November 18th, 2016 and presented to the LDPCSD BOARD on February 22, 2016 for approval?

Wes Barton has been asking questions for about a year with no response from Peter Kampa who is the management company president and our LDPCSD General Manager AND Board Treasurer Pete Kampa? Barton’s questions regarded substantial differences with the monthly board meeting financial disclosures presented by Kampa?  Barton has repeatedly stated at meetings that the errors involved how Kampa was reporting the government grant funding used to construct the groundwater wells?  Kampa refused to answer these questions eventually citing that the information had been forwarded to the auditor for report formation?

The LDPCSD SURFACE WATER TREATMENT PLANT was originally constructed and intended to serve properties inside the Lake Don Pedro subdivision?  The California Public Utilities Commission approval paperwork for the transfer of facilities and assets to the LDPCSD in 1980 had been changed and placed in district records?  The original MARIPOSA COUNTY LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (LAFCo) DISTRICT FORMATION MAP OF 1980 was “lost” and replacement maps containing additional information as to where MERCED RIVER WATER service could be furnished were created by the LDPCSD and provided to a variety of other county, state and federal agencies? Rather than furnishing a requested reproduction of the 1980 formation map (original engiineer’s survey exists), KAMPA proposed, and the board approved, a “multi-map” project for over $10,000 in remaining  district funds?

The LDPCSD pumps MERCED RIVER WATER impounded at Lake McClure under authority of THE MERCED IRRIGATION DISTRICT (MID) which holds water license 11395 issued by the STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD (SWRCB) which regulates MERCED RIVER WATER diversion and use?  The license clearly identifies the PLACE OF USE for MERCED RIVER WATER?

GROUNDWATER WELLS in this area are extremely expensive and unreliable as a permanent source of water in this foothill fractured rock geologic environment?  Subdivision property owners are legally prohibited from drilling their own groundwater wells and are essentially MANDATORY CUSTOMERS OF THE LAKE DON PEDRO COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT?  They represent approximately 99% of the LDPCSD customer base?  There is no prohibition for drilling private groundwater wells for properties OUTSIDE THE MERCED IRRIGATION DISTRICT PLACE OF  USE (MIDPOU) regulations (outside the subdivision)?

The GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION PROGRAM used by the LDPCSD permits circumvention of explicit MERCED RIVER WATER PLACE OF USE restrictions (water license 11395) by  permitting water service to properties OUTSIDE the PLACE OF USE?  This is done by REPLACING every unit of MERCED RIVER WATER (that would otherwise be illegally leaving the permitted area) with GROUNDWATER pumped from groundwater wells?  Prior to Kampa’s return to the LDPCSD in 2014, the LDPCSD only had one groundwater well (RANCHITO DRIVE WELL #1) that was used to replace MERCED RIVER WATER diverted for the existing 36 properties Outside Place of Use receiving water service from the LDPCSD?

Pete Kampa was employed by the LDPCSD approximately 20 years ago during 1993-1997?  Kampa during that time was very familiar with rules and regulations concerning MERCED RIVER WATER use?  Kampa supported and advocated further expansion of water service outside the MIDPOU?  Approximately 10,000 acres of further service?  Kampa worked with some of the same properties 20 years ago which still require a GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION PROGRAM water service for their properties outside the MIDPOU?

Kampa worked closely with the auditor in the production of this audit report by furnishing the information on capitalization of the new groundwater wells and the public grant funds used to construct them?   On the meeting approval date (three months after the report had been issued by the auditor) a discrepancy between numbers in differing reports is addressed by LDPCSD DIRECTOR RUSS WARREN who happened to compare figures in the Final BOUND Report with the report contained in the agenda packet which is presented to the public as well?

There are no LDPCSD policies which establish or provide guidance for this decades old GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION PROGRAM?  Kampa and the board of directors have never answered the question as to why 99% of the legally entitled MERCED RIVER WATER using “mandatory customers of the subdivision” (due to property ownership in subdivision) should be required to pay for a special benefit GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION PROGRAM they do not need?  There has been no accounting through the decades to determine just how much this GWSP actually costs the entitled users who receive no benefit yet pay the costs?

KAMPA & KOMPANY (term for those who support Pete Kampa’s further expansion plans OUTSIDE THE MIDPOU) twice attempted to have the Board of Directors ABOLISH RESOLUTION 2013-4 but failed to do so?   Kampa has in writing on several occasions misrepresented the LDPCSD’s position on this special benefit water service water service and/or the facts which surround the GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION PROGRAM to county, state and federal agencies?  Kampa continues to misrepresent the legal area of service for MERCED RIVER WATER with obsolete and incorrect maps on the LDPCSD website and has refused to correct the matter?

The GOVERNMENT GRANTS used by Kampa to construct the groundwater wells necessary to establish an “alternate source of water” with which to create the GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION PROGRAM NEEDED FOR FURTHER OUTSIDE MIDPOU WATER SERVICE EXPANSION, were INTENDED TO BE USED FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS DURING SEVERE DROUGHT CONDITIONS and NOT FOR NEW SERVICE WATER CONNECTIONS?  Kampa was clearly advised of this specific requirement PRIOR to receiving the funds?

Although very generous government grant funds were made available to the LDPCSD, our primary surface water treatment plant infrastructure was completely ignored as Kampa pursued his GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION PROGRAM  for OUTSIDE PLACE OF USE properties?  An excellent example of this COMPLETE IGNORANCE OF CRITICAL SYSTEMS (that COULD HAVE BEEN REPAIRED/REPLACED WITH THESE GENEROUS GRANT FUNDS WHEN MADE AVAILABLE), were the two water filters whose “emergency repair” costs only a month ago were approximately $300,00?

Pete Kampa (prior to his second LDPCSD GM appointment in 2014) was very familiar with OUTSIDE PLACE OF USE difficulties as he had previously worked for the district between 1993-1997?   Confidential board information was relayed to Kampa prior to public announcement of the GM vacancy to permit the lead time necessary to prepare a “contract ready for signature” at the next monthly board meeting?   Kampa achieved his second GM status through a board orchestrated CLOSED RECRUITMENT PROCESS in October 2014 which guaranteed that he, and his Kampa Community Solutions llc management company, would be the only applicant possible and thus ultimate GM appointee?  There was no semblance of a traditional employment background check made of Pete Kampa or his limited liability company prior to appointment?  No research or investigation into  is past LDPCSD employment or reason for subsequent resignation in 1997?

This is is only some of the factual history – I have undoubtedly failed to recall other important facts.  (This really is a long complicated history.)

Final last question-

Do you believe the FINAL AUDIT REPORT was a simple mistake?


Well looks like another beautiful foothill day!   Hear them flourishing within the moist soil beneath the bright sunshine?   Yup, need to continue the weed eating/spraying progress completed yesterday.  I sure am sore, but it feels and looks so good.

My best to you and yours, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.

LDPCSD FINAL & BOUND AUDIT REPORT INCORRECT (continued w/ backtrack overlaps)

blah blah blah…..imagine that….Kampa provides great assistance to the auditor in production of information and explaining how the groundwater well construction and government grants worked together but that FINAL BOUND AUDIT REPORT was incorrect.

During meeting discussion (prior to Board’s approval of the final report which is to be corrected – then automatically approved?) Director Russ Warren  points out a substantial difference between numbers in the “Auditor John” report (never stated his last name at the meeting and I haven’t found it in the report)  and the report prepared for the Feb 22 2017 agenda packet by our own CSD Board Secretary Syndie.  Of course that report from the agenda packet is the one provided to the public without access to the “final report” for comparison.





Sorry a bit tired.  Don’t think there are any other spelling errors but I’ve caught so many already ….who knows?  Just one long meandering nightmare of accidents, coincidences, and excuses surrounding Kampa & Kompany.  Sorry but I just can’t “buy” all this K&K KRAPA that seems to never end.


Even my dog’s patience is running thin.   She is very good though and quite intelligent.  When she observes me at the computer listening to meeting recorded voices and typing away at the keyboard she quietly slips away without protest.   Kampa’s voice droning on and on about something seems to be the hint for a nap.  Wish I could respond in the same way but then I’d miss all the excitement of the next round of false information he has a knack for creating, providing and defending – naturally this does not concern a dog.  During a lull in the blog posting process she will periodically reenter the study and in gentle canine fashion remind me of our other life and the responsibilities I’ve neglected which require attention.  Yup, a good girl who deserves a special toy/treat on the next trip to town and some TLC for her patience.   Lew






Categories: Uncategorized.



Feb 27th, 2017 1937hrs UPDATE:


PAGE 7 of the Audit Report …. DEFERRED OUTFLOWS OF RESOURCES – PENSION (NOTE 6)  {E for employee?}

Could it be Outflows Pension Employee Deferred?   That would be OPED!

Crap I don’t know….WISH “Auditor John” had returned to that DARN ACRONYM!


Yes I do repeat myself an awful lot but SOMETIMES there is benefit.

The following video clip is a repeat of information already covered by the digitized audio recording of the whole meeting but I believe this a worthwhile BACKTRACK in the sense of fully appreciating a moment caught in time.

Sometimes a video clip can provide much more information than if the description is attempted in written form alone.  I believe the old expression “a picture is worth a thousand words” would surely also apply to a video clip.  Besides, it is much better if you viewers can see and hear for yourselves and make your own decision.   Heck, I admit to being biased the day Kampa showed up with a contract ready for signature and the GM position hadn’t even been publicly announced yet.  (ever hear that before?  lol)

ANYWAY, I am still amazed at how much information I miss when truly focused on these meetings and discussions when they occur. Inevitably I will start working on a blog post and while reviewing the audio/video recordings hear and/or observe things from that meeting that I completely missed while there in real time.

You know, the meeting is going on, I’m busy watching and listening to an exchange-

(or passionately participating in one – and yes I will post my “liar outburst” when we get there – I’m certainly not proud of that moment but it did happen and only fair that it be presented with all the other KRAPA–{but I might include some racy porno video clips and images with it to help viewers concentrate on my inappropriate outburst…..LOL!)-

but other peripheral information around me is not consciously processed and slips right by the old grey matter – until reviewing the recordings.  Sometimes I will remember portions of what I couldn’t recall without assistance.

Besides learning how rude and/or impolite I have been a few times (that passionate thing again) what is really interesting is that I start to notice patterns of behavior in others as well that may have been otherwise considered co-incidence or happenstance.  These repeated instances of the same behavior in conjunction with my closer inspection of the recording along with the advantage of “hindsight” (what actually happened after the behavior) often provides a conceivable motive for an intentional act.

Yes, I am probably not explaining this very well so I’ll exert more control on my “talking fingers” and attempt to keep it short.

I believe Pete Kampa is an expert at consistently interrupting others when they speak to change the course of that public expression when he (Kampa) believes the speaker is treading too close to a subject Kampa would otherwise not care to discuss.

Remember the public comment timer beeper of Danny Johnson’s?  The interjections and cautions about referring to employees – and questions before the speaker was done?  All that stuff was unnecessary but clearly intended to break the speaker’s train of thought and run them over the 3 minute time limit.  Successful but crude.  I’m saying Kampa is an expert at accomplishing the same thing but with a calm, confident, assertiveness.  He knows playing it cool, no matter what happens, is a big part of the game.

Case in point (reason for this clip), when “John the auditor” was explaining why there was such a major difference in the  employee pension liability area of the audit,  which evidently affects a few different categories, Kampa interrupts to suggest explaining financial acronyms.  Kampa does this despite the acknowledgement, during the request itself, that some terms had been mentioned earlier in the day.  Heck, most recognized them from the many times discussed in meeting too — all except the one “Auditor John” was just discussing.

Kampa then primes the auditor’s response with GASB 68 (Government Accounting Standards Board) and NOT THE TERM “Auditor John”  had just used and was referring to on a specific page of the audit.   I am still not sure but believe it was OPED.

Heck, GASB is defined on page one of the audit report!  Yet Kampa interrupts the auditor to request a definition of GASB

I’ve looked several times and can’t find a term or heading that sounds like O.P.E.D.  that but maybe I misunderstood the actual letters.

On page 7 there are three items related to pensions, [MY GUESS AT A POSSIBLE ACRONYM – lol]


Deferred Outflows of Resources – Pension (Note 6)  [DOOR]

Net Pension Liability (Note 6)  [NPL]

Deferred Inflows of Resources – Pension (Note 6)   [DIOR]



Which one of these might sound like O.P.E.D. ?

What do you hear?

Regardless, I have witnessed and recorded this many times and Pete Kampa is a professional.  His technique is flawless, polite, effective and quite recyclable.

Anyway, I’m working on another video which is going to take much more time but thought in the meantime I’d BACKTRACK for this quickie.

Oh yeah!  Think I just discovered what that illusive problem was with the wide screen aspect ratio setting……wasn’t done in the video editing software… was my old second backup camera setting!  I could not figure out why only some of the videos (all downloaded into one folder – same camera manufacturer too) caused this uploading problem.  Now I have a clue:



(Dumb Ass Camera Operator Syndrome)



Great.  Now I’m hungry.

Just change the “D” to a “T” and it’s TACOS

Hum, sounds good.

Let’s see what happens when I tell the software to make a 4:3 production out of a 16:9 recording…!

This DACO is learning!  lol


My best to you and yours, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.


Published on Feb 26, 2017

So the obvious  question would be:  why should an annual audit report meeting be any different than any other LAKE DON PEDRO CSD meeting?   Just wouldn’t be the same without an incorrect set of important financial documents floating about the place.

Just like a raffle, the “Evil Twin” must be present and accessible to WIN, because you never know which set of documents you might need.

But why different sets of documents?  (Some correct, others suspiciously incorrect.)  You’re sweet, let me esplane Lucy…

Haven’t you heard the expression “a second set of books”?  I believe this is a reference to when some sort of financial scam or illegal activity must “cover their money tracks” and falsify records for  the inevitable scrutiny by government authorities.  Naturally they should be neat, be very organized and look absolutely authentic with no obvious clues to their true nature and ultimate purpose.  [A second set of books should never scream “Hey dumb ass! I am an illegitimate document trying to pull the wool over your eyes, I’m right here but I bet you next months receivables you can’t find me!  HA!  Not even close…

          over by the half million…….closer…..closer-

             check out this unrestricted assessment ohhhh, baby I can see your interest…wanna see mine?

                                                                        Nope, but a bit closer….

                        passed me you twit!

No,……. to the right.  Further.  A little further.  STOP!   Back just a little….there! Right next to the fancy WHEREAS in the wrinkled resolution – YES!  That’s it! 


                                                       Oh catch me baby, catch me—make me say I’m fraudulent…. 

that I’m a lying little document that needs to be filed hard…..harder you dimwitted depreciation!….that’s it…….I’m a dirty little fixed asset and you know it, huh sparky?  


            …..ohhhhh, come on you lying little post retirement benefit obligation ….got  to find me first if you’re going to give me your deferred outflow of resources……..make it  hurt like a real audit!   ….oh sweetie, …..whisper how you’d like to shred me into the little pieces of a financial puzzle you know I really am……oh yes…..that’s it shred me…..shred meee.”]


Yup, the whole point of having a second set of books is to make them appear otherwise normal- “no numbers to look at here folks…move along…..”.

The second set are “private books” which depict the actual financial status, ie, how much jack has been scratched from racketeering; gambling; prostitution; water hook-up fees, service charges, etc.   I believe this is most often done to avoid taxes but sometimes to demonstrate compliance with some financial regulatory authority, like the Internal Revenue Service or a spouse.   Laundering money doesn’t necessarily mean running bills through the Whirlpool and hanging them on the clothes line.  [Although I personally prefer the traditional crisp “just ironed look” on all hundreds, sometimes $50 and $20s, but rarely $1.00s, just hang dry, fluff and neatly fold.]

CRAP! DID YOU HEAR THAT? SOUNDS LIKE SPRING OUTSIDE DOESN’T IT?  HEAR THE WEEDS GROWING?  I CAN.   They’re talking about us you know…..jealous of our keyboard/monitor relationship I suspicion.   You know how those Thistles can be, stubborn fracking ….

WE INTERRUPT this regularly scheduled blah blah blah for a special news bulletin

please direct your limited attention to the INTERNAL CONTROL MESSAGE THAT FOLLOWS.....

(Sleep deprivation 101)  Note to self: Get some sleep. DO NOT write and post when exhausted. 
self: why not?
(Sleep deprivation 101)  High probability of poor public presentation on website.
self: so says you.  
(Sleep deprivation 101)  REPEAT: High probability of poor public presentation on website
self: REPEAT: so says you. There's an element of humor too you know
(Sleep deprivation 101)  Laughing at you (us) is not the same as laughing with you (us).
self: don't care.  you (we) can go screw your (our) self.  laughter is good medicine however achieved 
(Sleep deprivation 101)  Please finish current post and log off ASAP
self: kiss my assets, do you read? over

(Sleep deprivation 101)  Not funny, please don't do this now we need sleep
self: take a chill pill and relax - my (our) site I'll (we'll) do what I (we) want
(Sleep deprivation 101)  Speaking of pills, have you taken your "ugly pill" today?
self: there you go - ruin the surprise  - go frack your (our) self 
(Sleep deprivation 101)  Asked and answered. 
self: Here's an idea, why don't you invent a suppository "pretty pill" that looks like your head
so when you self medicate your head will feel right at home? 

(Sleep deprivation 101)  You mean our head.
self: No, not this time string bean
(Sleep deprivation 101)  Come on let's get some sleep
self: Did I tell you about my new invention? 

(Sleep deprivation 101) Enlighten me.
self: It's called the "KAMPA LAMPA LLC" (Lunacy Light Corporation) 

(Sleep deprivation 101) OK, how does this "KAMPA LAMPA LLC" work? 
self: It's simple, whenever you need to SHED SOME LIGHT ON SOMETHING, for a project around your residence,
garage or property, you just plug it in and "FLIP" that hidden "SNEAKY PETE" patented "WITNESS SWITCH" on
the side like this - and PRESTO! now things are really working! 
(Sleep deprivation 101)  OK.  I saw as you FLIPPED THE WITNESS SWITCH, but nothing happened.  Absolutely nothing
self: Ahhh, but that's the beauty of the "KAMPA LAMPA LLC" with the patented "SNEAKY PETE WITNESS SWITCH",
it works perfectly each and every time you FLIP THAT SWITCH but you don't notice a thing.  You won't even
know when it's on or off!  You're totally oblivious! Just live your life and forget about it!
(Sleep deprivation 101)  OK, I give, please clarify, what's the point?
self: The point is your head dumb ass!  When the "KAMPA LAMPA LLC SNEAKY PETE WITNESS SWITCH" is activated
a special illumination will occur all over the world but that is only part of the magic, the best part
is as a SNEAKY PETE EARLY BIRD SPECIAL MANDATORY CONTRIBUTOR, [SPE BS MC], the exclusive obligation to pay
for all electric bills, repair service, upgrade installations, and eventual total system replacement falls
to you!  All this and much, much more will automatically be charged each and every month (twice with months
containing any one of the letters J,F,M,A,S,O,N and D) to your credit cards WE already have on file. During
ILLUMINATION VALUE DAYS you could also be randomly selected to pay up to three times the average monthly 
bill just for being the customer we know you to be. So sit down and relax because I've got one more exciting
piece of information: believe it or not YOUR "KAMPA LAMPA LLC WITH SNEAKY PETE WITNESS SWITCH" has already
been installed, connected and tested, with all services already billed to your cards.  So have a great day
- or night ---- because it really doesn't matter with the "SNEAKY PETE LLC"!
(Sleep deprivation 101)  Goodnight, I'm out OK
self: we mean we are out
(Sleep deprivation 101)  Not this time Blue Lew -night.

Starting to think I've had a brain hemorrhage or something that may have augmented a normal predisposition
for rhyme.   I'll be doing something then think of a particular situation or example (often what I believe
to be humorous) but when I start to record with a writing instrument or keyboard I immediately recognize an
unintended rhyme developing.  Once I detect that minimal initial development I stop to finish whatever the
original thought was in a lyric/poem format.   Should I be worried?  Or am I just hurried?  Is it abnormal?
Or just not formal?


ahhh, krapa, (softly muttering to self)

Well I have been a bit tired lately…… CSDs ANONYMOUS?











Like some kind of collector of “evil twin documents” Lake Don Pedro CSD is a poster child for such acquisition.

Look at the California Public Utilities Commission approval document for the transfer of facilities and assets by the private company Sierra Highlands Water Company to the newly formed LDPCSD public agency back in 1980.

All of a sudden PRESTO! A FABRICATED COPY magically appears in official LDPCSD records with a different water service area description and references an attached exhibit that is never found!

What a coincidence! 

A written document describing just what they had done, were doing and intended to do!

“And what were they doing boys and girls?”

(children’s voices rhythmically singing/chanting)

Providing an expensive benefit

Groundwater substitution plan

For non-entitled developers and

A Merced River Water scam.

While simultaneously forcing

Those who were approved

To subsidize outside place of use

Or just suck it up and move.


Imagine how many MERCED RIVER WATER entitled customers through the decades who protested this expansion were simply provided false information based on that “EVIL TWIN DOCUMENT” to effectively halt further complaint or questioning?

(Surely you can imagine some of those situations?)

“Sorry Mr. Stupidicus, the State Of California says right here in black and white WE HAVE THE AUTHORITY to do exactly what we are doing.

Yes WE can make copies if you wish at $12.75 a page but there are quite a lot of pages in OUR OFFICIAL RECORDS, DIVISION, however, since you DID NOT TAKE YOUR UGLY PILL TODAY and if you wish, WE could make a copy of just the page that concerns your particular property question.

Fine, when payment is received WE will send you the copied information, now, will you and Mrs. Moronicus please sit down and stop interrupting so WE can continue OUR meeting?  Thank  you,)

Then the original 1980 water service boundary map created by Mariposa County LAFCo (Local Agency Formation Commission) disappeared so the LAKE DON PEDRO CSD was kind enough to just create a new one complete with additional annexations pretend approved and not.   Pretty generous huh?

Why would LAFCo years ago ask the LDPCSD to furnish them an up to date map when only LAFCo can approve boundary changes?

So many “FRANKENSTEIN SERVICE MAPS” created by a district that refused to obey some simple water restrictions regarding diversion and use of MERCED RIVER WATER.  Weren’t happy with what they already had, wanted more water so brought in their old time ringer “PETE KAMPA”.

Even the complete destruction of our administration office by arson a few years ago during an investigation of this very boundary service issue seems to have been ignored by the traditional “WATCHDOGS” for public agencies.

Then Peter Kampa is returned to the district to obtain government grant money in order to create an alternative source of water with which to create a GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION PROGRAM for the benefit of land developers outside the legal place of use under the water license who are prohibited that MERCED RIVER WATER.

And for perpetuity the entitled users of MERCED RIVER WATER in the subdivision (for whom that water treatment facility was created and intended to serve) will subsidize a special benefit for land developers and speculators OUTSIDE the legal PLACE OF USE under water license 11395.  Absolutely wild.  Hear any of this before?

My best to you and yours, Lew


PS:  Found out what the most significant problem was with the slow uploading on the last video……the operator!  LOL   Yes, internet speed has been reduced a bit, but not that much.  Turns out the previous video clip was set to a wide screen aspect ratio (like when you push that button on the remote control and the television image cycles through different sizes and resolutions, ie, stretch, letter box, original, and crop.).

I looked this morning but really could not notice an appreciable difference between the two perhaps they need to be side to side for better comparison.   Still not sure how I set the aspect ratio to wide screen but am now aware of where that option is located.  Just one more of hundreds of lessons I must learn (the hard way) with this software.  Some of the learning can be quite a bit of fun – however a lot is frustrating when making mistakes that greatly (and negatively) affect performance or the final result.  Wish there was more time to experiment and become proficient with the program and its capabilities when it is (ah-hum – clearing throat) used properly.    Like most of the tech-stuff I have – will only use it for specific limited purposes.   What a pair huh?  A new program and an obsolete user.  lol


ahhh oh –

                                  Oh crap

                                                         I saw a rat

                                 Behind the dais  

                                          Is where he sat

Categories: Uncategorized.



YUP, after posting the PUBLIC COMMENT for the Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017 meeting I reconsidered the potential importance of something that has happened far too many times at the LAKE DON PEDRO CSD….and is very frustrating…..our Board Meetings starting late.


Speaking of late….if I missed any corrections to the referenced “yesterday’s post” it is due to the fact the following clip took over 9-1/2 hours to upload!  NO FRACK’N JOKE!   Seriously, started at 1400 – went outside and did some weed eating, came back at 1700hrs/27% done; 1900hrs/51%; 2100hrs/62%; 2330hrs/84% then sometime after 2330hrs last night the upload finally finished!

Need to find out what the trouble is though I suspicion it is just the slow internet upload/download speed since an inquiry reported “unknown errors” on “their side” of the problem.  Just heavy traffic?

ANYWAY, even though the CSD audience may be small (as Wes Barton pointed out – still no excuse) there is certainly a lack of respect by management for the customer’s time when meetings are not started promptly at the agenda noticed time.  (Much less discussing subjects whose information the “mandatory customers of the subdivision” have a right to know but are being purposefully kept ignorant.)


If the public can make the effort to be on time and prepared for meetings (as best they can with when, and with what information they are begrudgingly provided) so should our paid management company president and LDPCSD appointed General Manager PETER KAMPA.

I generally arrive early so I can set up the cameras, tripods and the small Olympus digital audio recorder which often involves the technical operation of duct taping the recorder to one of the tripods.   Lol  This also provides some time to number agenda pages, make notes, and generally organize paperwork for the meeting.

Anyway, I am prepared at the noticed start time but most often we all must wait for President Danny Johnson to formally announce the beginning of the late starting meeting.  Folks will be talking about one thing or another (storm damage and water runoff a recent topic) when suddenly and without pre notification or fanfare Johnson will quickly call the meeting to order which of course does not provide adequate time to start the camera or recorder.  Gosh, almost like he was purposefully trying to catch me off guard?  lol But possibly just pushing through their lateness.

Once again I had to quickly interrupt and call Board President Johnson on the matter in order to turn on the recorder and capture his traditional late meeting start and typical reference to the well known slow clock (?) in the board room THAT IS ALSO NEVER REPAIRED OR REPLACED…..hint hint.  lol

Sometimes, even when the GM may be on the premises, everyone (that’s the large group of 3-4 customers who masochistically regularly attend) still must wait past the noticed meeting start time for copies of the GM’s report or other materials for meeting handout.  So many copies to provide huh?  (Must also consider the time in producing the “fake”, “incorrect”, and/or “distraction” copies that always seem to pop up.)

WHY NOT CONTAINED WITH THE OTHER MATERIAL?  (Obvious answer: running late but is that the only reason?)

I have never cared much for KAMPA’s style of agenda preparation and delivery believing whatever is deserving of being on the agenda for discussion and/or action (that’s another joke entirely) should also be in the agenda packet with everything else in a timely manner permitting adequate time to study and prepare for the meeting.   This would of course include chronological page numbering to assist in locating items during meeting discussion BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY to help insure any potential “post meeting manipulation”of material is greatly reduced.

Kampa obviously prefers the “SURPRISE GOT-YA INFORMATION TECHNIQUE” which is just one more trick in his bag to keep the public uninformed, ill prepared and “off guard” for whatever his current sneaky and deceitful little plan might be or involve.

There’s always an excuse of some sort for these late meetings but the far majority seem to revolve around waiting on an unprepared General Manager – this time to set up equipment for his presentation. (Which as you will see after the audio clip below, could have just as easily been handed out for reading, study and later discussion.)


Had Kampa arrived early like everyone else setting up our respective equipment would have gone much easier without subsequent rearrangement during the meeting as the president smoothly announced yet another meeting procedural change that doesn’t make sense.

Funny how Johnson says our district is now going to conduct our meetings like the one he observed the night before (the Dollar General hearing decision by the Tuolumne County Board of Supervisors – they approved store construction).

OK, but why always “picking and choosing” which regulations you want to follow?   The LDPCSD restricted PUBLIC COMMENT even further with NEW POLICY when your INTENTIONAL VIOLATIONS WERE POINTED OUT.  How about instituting the other policies and procedures those county meetings also utilize?  Hey Danny!  Have you ever read the Minutes of the Board of Supervisors which with detail contain public comments with the names of the speakers?  Often very lengthy comments by many concerned citizens.  OHhhhh, but we can’t do that in Lake Don Pedro due to the time and energy required for such a massive audience crowds of 2 or 3 customers?  Who may or may not speak for the entire 3 minutes?  Very disingenuous – you obey only the procedures that benefit K&K; change them  if they don’t; and then have the audacity to claim  you are attempting to make the process better for the district and more responsive to the community. No wonder you were so involved in bringing Kampa back – you have common motives and methods of operation.

Do you seriously scratch your head and wonder why only 2-3 people attend meetings?

Are you dismayed at the thought some might even harbor contempt for your self serving procedures?


As mentioned later in the clip, it really is a shame that Kampa & Kompany betrayed the legal Merced River Water using customers of the MERCED RIVER WATER entitled subdivision.  Kampa and his co-conspirators have alienated customers and perhaps closed minds to otherwise interesting and informative material about how their COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT IS SUPPOSED TO WORK.

Is it a surprise if someone, or some entity, has betrayed the confidence of another – and generally treated them like a mushroom ie, “KEPT IN THE DARK AND FED BULLSHIT”,  that those “mushroom people” would have a far more difficult time in trusting ANYTHING ELSE that person or entity might later offer as the truth?   aka, “screw me once shame on you, screw me twice shame on me”


Gosh, with everything Kampa & Kompany has done, is doing, and plans to do…’s almost like they do not genuinely want customers to attend meetings.  Hmmmm. Could it be that customers might be considered more like WITNESSES TO DUBIOUS K&K ACTIVITY – and therefore less access to information is better?

NEXT TIME LET US ATTEMPT A ONE ITEM AGENDA AND SEE HOW THAT GOES – (Probably late like all the rest!  lol)

Even a management designed simple two item agenda cannot be presented or conducted as noticed without major problems – yet Kampa continually refuses to permit customers to place other pertinent topics on a meeting agenda for discussion.   Perhaps he is apprehensive of the resulting discussions that would likely take place and actually shed light on his true motivations for being the GM of the Lake Don Pedro Community Services District?  Especially considering his well documented past employment activities with the LDPCSD and how he was appointed in October of  2014.

I digress.  (Besides, you might have already heard some of this……LOL!)  [But there is SO MUCH MORE]

The two item agenda was listed as:

a) Presentation and acceptance of the annual audit of the district’ financial statements for the 2015/2016 fiscal year, and

b) Educational presentation covering the District finances and related requirements, standards and policies as well as detailed review of the monthly Treasurer’s Report.

ITEM b (Kampa’s presentation) was presented first after confirming the boardroom clock was still slow.



PHOTOS of the information presented on the wall of the boardroom:


My best to you and yours, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.