I fear its quiet unannounced arrival

Have witnessed the effects before

Only minutes after occurrence

That panicked stare and more

A previously well functioning body

Now vessel blockage devastated

With crucial loss of blood and oxygen

In the brain, where my fear has waited.


Yup!  Mom is right, why push any potential for such fear becoming a reality by placing myself in situations where my frustration and blood pressure push the tolerance needle into the red zone?

There have been times when so tired and exhausted from the audio/video/posting work (but I’m still trying to meet some ridiculous self imposed “deadline” so I could get outside and do something more enjoyable), but the wrong “start position” for my fingers on the keyboard produced gibberish on the monitor.  Don’t know how to properly describe the length of time, would guess some very small fraction of a second, nanosecond?  Regardless, just a “blink” of connection with that  displayed monitor gibberish and the flash thought of such being a reality.  (You know, fingers in the right position on the keyboard but everything I keep typing is like password codes and gibberish on the screen because something inside scrambled the grey matter?)  Again, only a blink of thought but still a terrifying “what if?”

Of course there are no guarantees in such matters.  Just the opposite could be true, yeah?  Perhaps the computer work and frustration with the LDPCSD has actually prevented and delayed outside work that would have triggered something more than just heatstroke – a classic stroke or heart attack?  Maybe just a broken leg, or something?  Then again maybe some of you out there will be reading about such blah blah blah next year?   Or five or ten years from now?   Maybe much longer if my brain function can be successfully downloaded into some sort of bio-tech contraption?  Yeah, like on Futurama with Beck Hansen, Nixon, etc.  lol  (Bender cracks me up.)  Whatever.  Guess we just do the best we can with what we have and try to “go with the flow”.

Anyway, I am not quitting my STAUNCH OPPOSITION AT ALL, just refocusing time more efficiently in recognition of the fact attending meetings where DISINFORMATION and DECEIT has continued unchecked since 2014 is not healthy.   Video meeting presentations do not seem to have accomplished much to stop the continued hi-jacking of our surface water treatment plant and plans to develop even more expensive groundwater wells to serve the thousands of other acres of LAFCO ANNEXED lands.   sl  0idkljqbwh jkf;slkdk

Still do not understand why all these outside POU property owners do not pool their resources and create some kind of a special benefit zone of water service where they could develop their own groundwater well for such outside POU service.  Use our transmission lines, treatment plant, testing facilities, storage tanks and all that, but completely fund their own ground well and the added costs associated with that “alternate source of water”.   Heck, they could even have their own board which determines what properties are to be annexed into THEIR SPECIAL BENEFIT ZONE OF GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION.  Only difference would be the maintenance, repair and eventual replacement would be funded completely from their own isolated fund.   Every drop that comes out of that ground well would be used to offset the MERCED RIVER WATER leaving the subdivision.  <period>   The LDPCSD could naturally have their own groundwater wells in case of emergency.

(I wonder — if such a special benefit GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION ZONE could ever be developed, if those beneficiaries might be a bit more circumspect and apprehensive about adding other grandiose proposed subdivisions and high water demand developments to their private groundwater substitution POU zone which they had to financially support?  You know, because it’s always easier to gamble with someone else’s money, yeah?)

Anyway, sent the following email to Syndie (and others) today –


I contacted the LDPCSD office by telephone on Tuesday, July 17, 2018 inquiring about the cost of an audio copy of yesterday’s monthly board meeting.  I spoke with Anne who advised you were unsure what the cost would be but would advise me when determined.  Considering our audio recordings are now digital (you have provided meeting copies to me in the past) seems the cost should not be that great.  Regardless, please notify as soon as possible and I will provide payment.   I did not attend yesterday’s meeting but am extremely interested in a couple of particular aspects.

Regarding the digital recordings of our public meetings,

I request that the LDPCSD (like so many other public agencies and organizations already do) post our digital recordings of meetings on the LDPCSD website for customers to review and appreciate on their own schedule just like the digital monthly meeting agenda packets.  No doubt there are many customers who would rather listen to the meeting while doing something else at home rather than having to sit and read snippets of carefully prepared management censored material.

The thousands of MR WECs (Merced River Water Entitled Customers) of the Lake Don Pedro subdivision (both residential and out of area owners all over the world) should not be required to physically attend inconvenient meetings held in the middle of nowhere in Lake Don Pedro every third Monday of each month at 1300hrs just to stay adequately informed about a public agency of which they are mandatory customers due to property ownership in the subdivision. No customer should be required to voluntarily perform countless hours of work every month just to present these meetings on a private website ( when the District has the means to provide such service on its own website.  (Such a service would also guarantee those customers could listen to a meeting without “personal opinions being interjected between portions of recorded meetings. WIN-WIN Lol!)


MR WECs are stakeholders with a direct financial interest tied to LDPCSD operations due to the obvious influence water availability has on their subdivision property values in a drought prone region.  They are not speculators looking to turn an easy buck with someone else’s water.  They are already greatly invested in their land, and water.  Current management policies and direction, with obvious director support and/or acquiencese, seems to forget that every single CPUC approved lot in the LDP subdivision has the unequivocal right to water service upon demand at anytime in the future.   Will that water be available for those who are entitled and paid for it since their subdivision property ownership?  I believe it is long overdue that our LDPCSD website is upgraded to include current and pertinent factual information as to how this district has been managed and directed since October 2014.  The mandatory MR WECs of the subdivision who must financially support this special district deserve no less.

Please have this request placed on next month’s agenda for consideration and advise when I can pay for, and pick up, the audio CD of yesterday’s meeting.


Thank you, Lew


Sp of a cotozem pf tjos state reqiests gpverm

So if a citizen of this state requests government investigation of what certainly appears to be continuing criminal activity within a local public agency using public funds and resources, the highest law enforcement entity in of State of California (which advertises to have personnel trained for such investigations to protect the public from fraud and waste of public resources) suggests that citizen risk what their grandparents may have provided their parents, what their parents provided them, along with ANYTHING VALUABLE accumulated or been granted in their life for use by private attorneys in an attempt to stop a public agency GM and his acquiescing BOARD from continuing to misrepresent easy to obtain facts that even a child could appreciate?

What the hell is law enforcement supposed to be enforcing?

My friend who had that stoke dropped almost ½ million dollars trying to get the County of Mariposa to obey existing local and state regulations regarding 1991 STATE RESPONSIBILITY AREA FIRE SAFE REGULATIONS REGARDING MINIMUM ROADWAY STANDARDS.  That “Developer convenience road” on their property was constructed 12 years after those FIRE SAFE REGULATIONS were passed.  The road construction violated several public safety regulations specifically enacted by the California Legislature to protect life and property from known and foreseeable harm due to SUBSTANDARD ROADWAYS in designated high fire severity zones.  My friend is gone – and left this world (shortly after her husband who was also my friend) with such worries in their hearts and minds due to greedy developers and real estate interests scamming another way to increase profit margins for themselves with an extremely dangerous road at another’s expense.  Mpme pftjos ,ales semse/    None of this makes sense.

Sometimes it feels like I’ve already had a one – just doesn’t make sense.

My best to you and yours, Lew

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