I could tell by the expression on Liz’s face that something was going to happen – she looked a bit apprehensive…. then the loud clap of thunder outside explained the disruption to her mid-morning nap and apparent uneasiness. Well, even though the grass and weeds are growing back, and will continue to do so with this “natural late irrigation” it is always a bit easier the second, third, forth, etc. (time) doing the same work in only “temporarily” controlling them. I am afraid this fire season is going to be challenging (perhaps even brutal again) with all this late precipitation as there will likely be a tremendous amount of extra “FUEL” flourishing in these foothills.
Yup, sure hope the “controlled burning period” is extended a bit so owners can cope with the anticipated added fuel load. Frankly, this “on again”, “off again” weather makes fire season preparation quite exhausting – in addition to being disappointingly repetitious.
LDPCSD GM/Treasurer Pete Kampa resigned on May 20, 2019 and a new GM hired at the May 22, 2019 LDPCSD Special Meeting. Unknown prior water treatment background other than distribution and treatment certificates are possessed as Board President treated such prior employment information as confidential and not for public knowledge.
Probably no sense in continuing these LDPCSD meeting reports but I still hope there might be some “good folks” still interested in reading/listening to this continuing “Fake WL11395 POU Map” cover-up.
Feels like such situations just drift through time without responsibility, accountability, much less acknowledgement of intentional wrongdoing while the innocent taxpayer is further victimized with other failures and reocurances …. but then again, although the wheels of justice grind slow they do grind exceedingly fine, yeah?
Look what OUR PRESIDENT AND HIS SUPPORTERS have been dealing with since the day TRUMP announced he would DRAIN THE SWAMP! Over two years of accusations and intentional disruption of legitimate government process because the “creatures of the swamp” preferred the status quo corruption just the way it WAS! And that’s the operative word in the above sentence, “WAS”, because things are changing for the best but it takes a great deal of time and effort to overcome the LEFT OBSTRUCTIONISM AND RESISTANCE. (If they can not control something, they attempt to destroy it for others.)
Consider……FINALLY! The American public is being provided information as to how, what I term DEMOCRATUS TERMITEISIS,
(better term for the Democrat Progressive Socialist Left or using the general term “democrat”)
“projected” its own nefarious dealings onto the Trump Campaign, family, associates, etc., utilizing the highest levels of law enforcement and intelligence agencies (both within and outside the USA) to execute this criminal political plot of the century! Three years of absolute left garbage …. but their scam is being unraveled and shown to the public!
Sure seems like nothing is changing as Wes Barton pointed out during the Public Comment portion of the meeting. Directors still advertise and project what a great job they have, and are doing for the customers. This despite the fact there has been absolutely no acknowledgement or accountability for their intentional direction into violation of water right law in order to provide an extremely expensive special benefit groundwater substitution water service for LAFCO ANNEXATIONS PETER KAMPA set up twenty years ago when beginning his infamous water career here in California.
Much less how very generous and substantial grant funding from the State and Federal Government was misappropriated and used to accomplish this “bait and switch” groundwater substitution program for those not entitled to MERCED RIVER WATER under WL11395. Over 40 years those water license restrictions were known and completely ignored for “outside POU profit” by all the players involved to the legal customers continuing financial detriment.
(Great side story as to one of the mechanisms the Democrat Progressive Socialist Left, or “D.T. Machine”, has used to assist the transformation of California into what it exists as right now….a state that refuses to listen, or adhere, to voter opinion.)
Why would one of the mainstays in the “transparency of government concept” (providing requested public information from Mariposa County Planning and LAFCO) be completely shut down if everything was above board in how the Lake Don Pedro Community Services District (LDPCSD) was formed and developed as a water service provider by the LAFCOs of Tuolumne and Mariposa? Seems like a clue to me.
“Pay only for what you receive and use” sure sounds like a fair policy, but it certainly HAS NEVER APPLIED TO THE CUSTOMERS OF THE LAKE DON PEDRO CSD as they have paid for special interest benefits since the very beginning of the district in 1980!
Ever notice how things that sound too good to be true, are often scams, tricks, fraud, etc, specifically developed to liberate money from your control to the control of “others”. “Others” who often represent to be working for your best interests? What happens when it turns out that there has been a deception? Where are the corrective measures to prevent this from happening again, and again, and again…… Where and how does such corrupt activity stop when intentional criminal violation of law is simply ignored for the promise of doing it right at the next opportunity for criminal behavior? Why is there even another opportunity to betray the public when the public has already been betrayed numerous times in the past?
The fact this “fake WL11395 POU map scam” was developed by a CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICT ASSOCIATION (CSDA) BOARD director of almost 20 years speaks volumes as to that organization’s actual concern for customers of special districts when a character like Peter Kampa is permitted to flutter from one CSD to another shrouded in new examples of suspicious activity. (ie, Kampa and the unfair Nestles bottling contract up in McCloud CSD after he left LDPCSD in the 1990s – only to later return in 2014 to complete the criminal conspiracy at the LDPCSD using grant funds.)
Having been duped by a professional cheat is nothing to be ashamed of, unless of course, the loss was the result of attempting to obtain something of value through other than honest motivations. Take the classic “watch swindle fraud”. The crook represents an emergency situation is forcing the immediate sale of an extremely expensive solid gold watch just for minimal cash to get home…(or otherwise escape or resolve some emergency). See the “larceny of the heart” by the “victim fake watch buyer”? How can one complain that the watch is really an inexpensive “knock-off” not worth close to the $100 the buyer bought the alleged $1,500+ solid gold watch? That’s where the old expression: “Can’t cheat an honest man (person)” is derived from,….an honest person would not believe they were receiving something worth $1,500+ for $100 in an alley outside a casino at 0300hrs in the morning. Sound familiar?
This was a repeated statement despite the fact low lake levels are part of the normal cycle at Lake McClure as it is dependent upon a snow melt watershed in Yosemite National Park. Consider also the amount of time the LDPCSD intentionally refused to pump from the lake when it could have in combination with using those grant funded wells for known “compliance failures” with the water license Place of Use restrictions which had continued for decades unchecked.
Heck, just trying to cover up the illegal connections Pete Kampa was personally aware of would have been enough reason to quickly develop an alternate source of water to replace the Merced River water going to Kampa LAFCO ANNEXATIONS of the past – because don’t forget, the original Ranchito Drive ground well could not have provided the water Kampa needed for expansion purposes, which was revealed when it failed during development of other groundwater wells. (Over quarter of a million dollars spent on drilling dry and bad wells incidentally.)
The KAMPA/BOARD assertion that groundwater wells were the only solution was part of the manufactured necessity for Kampa’s groundwater wells, and the board’s subsequent activities clearly demonstrate a desire to continue, and indeed expand, a very expensive groundwater substitution program to those legally restricted from “normal water service” under WL11395. All the while forcing the MANDATORY CSD CUSTOMERS of the WATER LICENSE ENTITLED LAKE DON PEDRO SUBDIVISION to pay for such special benefit for land developers outside the POU.
However, we are lucky to have Pete Kampa who can obtain generous government grants to develop groundwater wells to assist customers during the drought.
SOUNDS GREAT, RIGHT? HOWEVER, in reality, the ground water wells were needed for compliance purposes and to develop LAFCO ANNEXATIONS outside the legal water service area of the license. No development without an alternate source of water and those who needed that expensive groundwater didn’t want to pay for it!
The “system” only works when everyone does their part. Had corrective action been taken by the Board of Directors immediately there would be no State Water Board Notice of Violation and we would not be in such dire financial straights now and looking at another PROPOSITION 218 for RATE AND FEE INCREASES…..all part of the KAMPA PLAN.
Unfortunately, our directors simply turned our public service agency over to a private management company created by a former LDPCSD disgruntled employee who had been caught in the mid 1990s operating outside the scope and performance of his assigned duties (setting up LAFCO annexations in Tuolumne and Mariposa).
Consider that. Heck! Kampa’s rogue activities in Lake Don Pedro between 1994-1997 should have been sufficient to prevent any return as GM/Treasurer, HOWEVER, as it turns out, UNDERHANDED, SNEAKY, and ILLEGAL CSD ACTIVITY was exactly what the 2014 lead directors were looking for in a Kampa appointed GM/Treasurer – and they certainly received such. (Maybe they thought employment records had been destroyed sufficiently in the February 27th, 2012 arson of the administration building to prevent Kampa’s past employment activities from ever being known or raised by the public in objection to his re-hiring?)
Yup, there is a huge SWAMP full of professionally functioning cheats and liars out there in the real world. Washington DC has no corner on that disturbing market.
It is absolutely amazing to me (while simultaneously reassuring) that President Donald Trump (and administration) has been able to achieve such positive improvement and COMMON SENSE DIRECTION FOR THIS NATION while under relentless and wrongful attacks by the democrat left which is laser focused on the incremental destruction of OUR UNITED STATES of AMERICA and the redistribution of its wealth.
Can’t hide from the reality these people exist and will continue their underhanded activities. Heck, they are being transplanted here for just that purpose! Nope, not even 160 acres of HOA/POA free beautiful Nevada high desert can make that problem go away.
That is a job for the AMERICAN PATRIOT in the 2020 election. Every single Patriot of this country – regardless of party affiliation – must vote to NOT ONLY DRAIN THE SWAMP, but to eradicate what remains of the DEMOCRATUS TERMITEISIS infesting all areas of American government — from every county, in each and every state all the way to the federal halls and hearing rooms in Washington DC. Our Country and freedoms are at stake. (Which political party repeatedly attacks American Freedoms such as FREE SPEECH and the SECOND AMENDMENT right to bear arms? Which advocates OPEN BORDERS and uncontrolled IMMIGRATION? What party supports a governor who ignores the voters will in preference for his own personal beliefs and decrees? From what Washington DC criminal investigation did our current California Attorney General attempt escape? These and many, many more examples are called clues my friends.)
OK ENOUGH BLAH BLAH BLAH…..onto the meeting recording…..
The original written report started out like this……
May 20th, 2019, LDPCSD Board of Directors Meeting 1PM, Quorum/Staff Director Warren absent at this time. Pledge.
Public Comment: Solar
contractor soliciting, Southern CA, plant advocate, tax benefits, interest rates
less, seven different proposals, submitted two explained benefits.
Wes Barton: Disappointed when he picked up packet, thought things might be different, but doesn’t appear as such. Housing development quite slow need to get the CSD back down to operational level required for this area. Manager must be an operational GM, not administrative/manager as we’ve done for several years. Bring the CSD back down to earth because we appear to be heading in the same direction.
Victor Afanasiev questioned about the fire hydrant situation and flushing, President Danny Johnson said the CSD was only legally required to flush for water treatment quality. (Flushing to confirm fire safety readiness is not a CSD concern despite having been so in the past since located in a high fire severity zone.)
GM Pete Kampa: One good piece of information, have a signed contract (not to exceed $60,00 – w/o motor) with Twin Lakes Management regarding barge re-construction. Expect to start after Memorial Day but before 4th of July. Further questioning by the board revealed the contact had actually only been signed by Pete Kampa, but would be signed by the other party shortly.
(In other words, Pete Kampa’s interpretation of what a signed contract is simply whether Kampa had signed it? Good grief. Guess he meant since MID offered the contract and Kampa signed it, it would be a done deal but I always understood a “signed contract” as being one that was legally executable on it’s face with all parties signing off on the obligations and duties imposed on each party. You know? A “meeting of the minds” as to a given activity that is documented in a signed contract.)
Heck, since I have to listen to this $3.00 recording to report on it it anyway, viewers might as well have the opportunity hear it for yourself…..I’ll just do the uploading at night while asleep! later.
Don’t panic yet,- it is just another LAME PROJECT (lol)
However, do you believe a mutated, seriously destructive political infestation is threatening OUR United States of America, HER Constitution, and ALL HER wonderfully diverse freedom loving legal citizens? (Including those who support a political party they believe still represents their AMERICAN VALUES despite the fact it has been hi-jacked by the radical socialist left – which is dedicated to destroying America and HER system of law and justice? Do you believe this organization possesses sufficient influence to control what information some of the top news organizations are “permitted” to provide the public?) I am afraid I do.
Might I suggest OANN (One America News Network), often just OAN or One America News? Truly refreshing to hear the “good and bad” presented in a respectful way. Check it out.
Anyway, late May rain. Wow. Thunder storms and everything. Picked up some good storm video I’ll use sometime. Lots of water! Seems much of what I filled in from the last storm has all washed downhill again. Perpetual cycle. Yup, stuck inside the house for a while so you folks must now suffer the consequences (rather than the weeds, which of course will all be growing back)! (Diabolical laughter) No worries, only 5 minutes or so.
Gosh, I had not even received a response from yesterday’s information request (for the Monday May 20th monthly meeting recording) when the notice of a Special Meeting on Tuesday was received:
Discussion and Action Item: Consideration of Adoption of a Resolution Approving an Employment Agreement with Patrick McGowan for the Position of General Manager
Yup, a special meeting to apparently appoint a new General Manager. Sure wonder how long this particular replacement was considered and to what degree (if any) the former GM and his company (PETER KAMPA, Kampa Community Solutions, llc, KAMPACS, KCS, etc.) played in arranging such a speedy replacement with little or no public transparency as to proposed future district management?
Has Mr. McGowan been briefed as to the decades of untruths and resulting fraud perpetrated against the Merced River Water Entitled Customers of the Lake Don Pedro residential subdivision as the LDPCSD illegally pursued more SUBSIDIZED GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION for outside Merced Irrigation District Place of Use LAFCO Annexed properties?
Will this new GM give a rat’s ass about the legal LDPCSD customers and their entitled service requirements ignored for decades? Or will the new GM just continue the same district special interest management clearly documented by long term CSDA DIRECTOR and former LDPCSD GM/TREASURER Pete Kampa since 2014?
Who knows? Could be a wonderful turning point and new start for legal subdivision customers or just more concealed exploitation with public funds by another special interest motivated tool of the Board of Directors? Only time will tell, yeah?
Saw the below article on the CSDA website this morning (5/8/19) and considering Peter Kampa’s reluctance to furnish pertinent information (that the public is supposed to have a right to obtain and review), this position by the CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICTS ASSOCIATION (CSDA) is of no real surprise – especially since Kampa has been a board director there for nearly 20 years.
Below is my last request for the “many emails” Kampa told the board and public at the March monthly BOD meeting he has sent in attempt to ascertain the current status of the STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD (SWRCB) NOTICE OF VIOLATION issued on September 28, 2017 for water right violations following two complaints to that agency in February and April of 2016 – that are still evidently unresolved.
Or, perhaps Kampa may already know what is coming and decided to move on to more lucrative management contract “feeding grounds” else where with his KAMPA COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS, LLC, KAMPACS, or KCS, (which ever you prefer), along with his clearly supportive CSDA?
Anyway, below is the third written request made to Office Manager Syndie Marchesiello at the LAKE DON PEDRO CSD on May 3, 2019: (Should also note, all the files contained in the Kampa folder (which could not be opened) had the same date – of when sent to me – rather than the original composition/transmittal date.
Syndie, unfortunately the above files furnished by current Lake Don Pedro Community Services District (LDPCSD) GM/TREASURER PETER KAMPA (after additional written requests after the 10 day processing period from the original submittal) will not open on my computer advising that I must purchase new software in order to view them (the “trial option” does not function). I do not believe this is a fair or even adequate response to my information request from two months ago – I should be able to read the material without further unnecessary delay or additional personal financial cost. I am aware Mr. Kampa is currently preparing to become a full time General Manager employee (with all rights and benefits of full time employment) of the Groveland CA CSD very soon (this month) yet according to a statement by one of our directors during the last Special Meeting of the LDPCSD Board of Directors on April 22nd, Kampa will actually remain as the LDPCSD GM/TREASURER until the middle of May. (Apparently to confirm his new employment benefits in Groveland are secured and in place prior to leaving the LDPCSD ——- after five years of absolute fabrications of truth to STATE OF CAIFORNIA WATER AGENCIES, state and federal granting authorities, and the general public at large, regarding VERY CLEAR Place of Use restrictions on Merced River water use contained in WL11395 (and illustrated on the OFFICIAL JUNE 1978 MID POU MAP ON FILE WITH THE SWRCB….. following the discovery by the State that the JUNE 1977 POU MAP was an intentional FAKE MAP submitted to expand the POU over forty years ago) which Pete Kampa was unequivocally aware of for over twenty years (during time of his first employment with the LDPCSD between 1994-1997) — yet Kampa completely disregarded these restrictions while attempting to provide FURTHER outside POU water service to LAFCO ANNEXATIONS he set up back in the 1990s along with expanding a SUBSIDIZED GROUNDWATER REPLACEMENT PROGRAM to replace the Merced River water already illegally leaving the POU of WL11395 (subdivision and golf course) to expand that special benefit water service outside the POU of 11395.
As you are aware, the Board of Directors at the March LDPCSD Board of Directors monthly meeting, suggested GM KAMPA send an email to the SWRCB requesting an update on the Notice of Violation issued September 28, 2017 for water right violation (complaints filed in 2016). GM Kampa stated to the board that he had already sent many emails to the SWRCB requesting a Notice of Violation status update but had received no information and was afraid sending yet another email to the SWRCB might “make them mad”.
I have been trying to obtain these “many emails” to the State Water Board since the March 2019 meeting without success yet now understand Pete Kampa is actually in the process of leaving the LDPCSD without honoring this information request (much less other requests the last few years for legitimate information regarding his nefarious activities). Could you please make hard copies of these files purported to be the ones Pete Kampa referenced which supposedly had asked the STATE for information regarding the status of the SWRCB NOV (which was the topic of the March BOD meeting questioning when Kampa stated he had already sent many emails to the SWRCB regarding the WL11395 map issue without response from the state.) Thanks, Lew
Currently only 30 days are required for retention then POOF! Gone from the office files. (COULD PETE KAMPA HAVE INTENTIONALLY REFUSED TO ANSWER THE PUBLIC INFORMATION REQUEST TO “RUN OUT THE 30 DAY CLOCK AND DESTROY EMAILS THAT CONTAINED INFORMATION HE DID NOT WANT THE PUBLIC TO SEE?) How convenient for those who play “foot loose and fancy free” with 40 year old California State Water license restrictions hindering LAFCO ANNEXATION developments in Lake Don Pedro PETE KAMPA set up over twenty years ago when starting his infamous water career here at the LAKE DON PEDRO CSD in California (1994-1997).
Anyway, only those in control of this CALIFUSION POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT truly know what is actually happening. Frankly, all I have observed is the DEMOCRAT PROGRESSIVE SOCIALIST LEFT destroying the justice system of our STATE and COUNTRY with no responsibility or accountability for the criminal activities used to achieve their special interest goals which are clearly not in the best interests of legal American Citizens – REGARDLESS OF INDIVIDUAL DIVERSITIES WHICH ONLY MAKE US STRONGER!
My best to you and yours, Lew
Amendments Expected to AB 1184 (Gloria) Public Agency Email Retention
As currently drafted AB 1184
(Gloria) will require all public agencies to retain ALL transmitted emails for
two-years. To avoid mandate costs that might have been associated with the new
retention requirements the bill was placed in the California Public Records Act
(CPRA). However, this bill does not make any new disclosure requirements in the
CPRA of those emails or provide any additional exemptions. Meaning, if the
email would have been considered a public record prior to this legislation, it
is still a public record, and those records that aren’t public records, such as
an out of office email, would still not be a public record that would be
required to be disclosed under the CPRA. This bill, as currently drafted,
does nothing other than require the storage of all emails for two-years.
However, yesterday afternoon while meeting with Assemblyman Gloria’s staff I
was informed that they are planning significant amendments to narrow the bill.
They are working with the California News Publishers Association to amend the
bill to provide a uniform email retention policy to apply only to emails that
would be considered a public record and hope to clarify within AB 1184 what
types of emails constitute a public record. The office indicated that they
anticipate several rounds of amendments will be required to sufficiently narrow
the bill and will be seeking CSDA’s feedback to ensure the bill is workable and
not overly broad.
CSDA is currently opposed to AB 1184 and will be reaching out to our Expert
Feedback Teams for input following the anticipated amendments. Please feel free
to contact CSDA’s Senior Legislative Representative, Dillon Gibbons, at
dillong@csda.net should you have any questions about the bill
Perhaps curtailment of your right to truthful political information reporting through television service providers has already effectively set the stage for the continuing attempts to transform our USA into yet another socialist country failure? Who would want something like that?
Other than enemies of this FREEDOM LOVING COUNTRY?
Seriously. Who, or what, determines the information that will be presented on public “airways” for citizens to adequately understand one of the most treacherous and diabolical attempts by the DEMOCRAT PROGRESSIVE SOCIALIST LEFT to illegally remove a duly elected US President?
Oh yeah, and not just any president (typical talk, less action), but one who, despite the constant unfounded attacks and disruptions from the near pathologically lying left, has been able to make a tremendous amount of progress – and way overdue corrections against the horrible economic environment the left had intentionally designed and forced on our American Citizenry!
Remember the old expression regarding faulty computer analysis?
This was the same argument used against PETER J KAMPA’s $35,000 digital mapping project and resulting “FAKE WL11395 POU MAP” >>> if the underlying information furnished and utilized in production of a “FINAL POU MAP” is known to be incorrect (violates official POU Map on file with SWRCB), why would ANYONE honestly believe the final result would be correct much less have the authority to override what the state water board had determined over 40 years ago and continued despite multiple past challenges?
How is
any different if the information utilized to form important opinions and make serious decisions regarding OUR AMERICAN FUTURE is only carefully manufactured untruths and misrepresentations designed to elicit a desired response?
must fabricate, lie and distort the truth in order to gain support for their cause, because if their cause were clear,
the far majority of legal American Citizens rich in diversity from areas all over the planet,
Just as in any scam, fraud, deceit, trick etc., (to wrongfully take something from another), the criminal perpetrator must convince the victim to willfully perform exactly as the criminal intends. Often victims of such “something for nothing swindles” never even report the loss to authorities. Why? The anticipated (cultivated) embarrassment is a big part – deep down the ‘”mark” knew “it seemed too good to be true….”. How does this “honest victim” explain paying $140 for a solid gold $2,500 pocket watch in a casino alley?
Please think about how our nation’s highest law enforcement departments and agencies, intelligence networks, “spying technology resources”, all of it and more, has recently been used by the DEMOCRAT PROGRESSIVE SOCIALIST LEFT in order to remove a legally elected President.
THE DPSL was almost successful in preventing the citizens of the United States of America from ever having another honest election. Once something like that is successful, it would only get stronger with each passing election – with a corresponding loss of Constitutional Rights to assure continued DPSL goals ……. naturally.
Yes, I know, there has always been corruption on both sides….. humans, remember? lol, BUT NEVER TO THIS EXPOSED DEGREE!
Sitting at home watching CSPAN as government witness after witness “TEST-A-LIED” (sarcasm for testified) many of us were appalled at the utter failure to answer simple questions …..and when they did speak their body language and demeanor screamed: “I AM LYING MY ASS OFF SURELY YOU CAN SEE – CANNOT TELL THE TRUTH RIGHT NOW…..BECAUSE THEY’LL KNOW IT’S ME! lol)
If the DPSL can do such a thing to someone legally elected President of the United States (not to mention someone possessing great influence as a private business person of notoriety anyway) can you imagine what they could do to you or me?
Gosh, wonder how the DPSL will react to serious in depth investigations into the misuse of government agencies, personnel and resources to attack and destroy political adversaries? HEY! That sounds like other third-world countries yeah? Yup, prepare for more garbage my friends, much, much more garbage to distract from what they have already done.
Just like ‘ol Pete Kampa – came here to develop an ALTERNATE GROUNDWATER SOURCE to circumvent the Merced River water restrictions in WL11395 and to expand expensive subsidized outside POU special benefit water service to LAFCO ANNEXATIONS he set up twenty years earlier …… mission accomplished, CUSTOMERS GET HIGHER BILLS, lack of leadership/management responsibility/accountability, so Pete is once again off to the next KAMPAGANDA CONQUEST and EXPLOITATION in Groveland, CA!
Wow, wonder how many voters will want to be recognized for their continued support in the attempted destruction of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?
Better check your news source — ASK FOR OANN – DO NOT BE AFRAID OF THE TRUTH!