Monthly Archives February 2019


MEETING CONTINUED FOLLOWING AGENDA ITEM CHANGE: There was a resolution of commendation presented to an employee for achieving his Grade II Operator Certificate followed by the audit review presentation.

Despite a citizen complaint the audit was successfully defended and the extra work did not cost the district anything extra financially because there was a cap on the contract.   Naturally GM/Treasurer Peter Kampa [Kampa Community Solutions, llc, aka KAMPACS, aka KCS, his special district management company] greatly assisted in providing necessary information during the audit process.

There was another advertisement for the CSDA presented by Kampa’s auditor…. (that’s where the following video will start – mo money! mo money! mo money! lol)

Raise the water rates of MR WECS (MERCED RIVER WATER ENTITLED CUSTOMERS – of the Lake Don Pedro subdivision) who have already been victimized and exploited for decades, AND since 2014 by a special district management company owned and operated by a former disgruntled rogue LDPCSD employee who had, between the years 1994-1997, surreptitiously (quietly without board direction or authorization) personally attempted to “broker-like” annex thousands of acres into the LDPCSD for a special benefit water service to be paid for by all legal customers for perpetuity?

Yes the above is a very long sentence but adequately describes a very long and calculated WATER SCAM against MR WECs!

Pete Kampa is one of the primary individuals responsible for decades of district dysfunction, turmoil and failure to abide by clear water license 11395 restrictions on water service. He was brought back by a group of directors (and soon to be directors) in October 2014 who were also determined to expand district water service beyond the permitted boundaries of the operative water license, (11395 held by the Merced Irrigation District) despite the fact such expansion would require EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE GROUNDWATER WELLS with which to circumvent WL11395 in delivering an “ALTERNATE SOURCE WATER” to LAFCO ANNEXATIONS outside the approved LDP PLACE OF USE subdivision.

An unacceptable gamble with such an indispensable, valuable and quality resource such as MERCED RIVER WATER from the watershed of Yosemite National Park. A subdivision blessing that has already been subject to improper sale, diversion, and theft for decades.

How long was this exploitation actually in effect? When was it designed? By whom? Surely the plan was prior to August 1980 when the LDPCSD was formed by the county LAFCOs (LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSIONS) of Tuolumne and Mariposa, with the later being the “lead county”.

After all, substantial land had apparently already been secretly added to what the CPUC (California Public Utilities Commission) had noticed it was prepared to approve as the new district’s service area boundary in its January 1981 approval of the transfer of facilities and assets from the former Sierra Highlands Water Company to the new LDPCSD.

That decision was very clear – only the properties within the former Sierra Highlands Water Company subdivision, and other areas specifically acknowledged as having a legal right to future service, would be customers of the new district. (BUT EVEN THAT SIMPLE STATEMENT HAD BEEN MODIFIED IN LDPCSD HISTORICAL RECORDS WITH AN ADDED FABRICATED SENTENCE GREATLY EXPANDING THAT BOUNDARY. IN OTHER WORDS, A FABRICATED GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT TO COVER EXPANSION ACTIVITIES TO QUESTIONING CUSTOMERS! DECEIT FROM DAY ONE!)

That CPUC decision clearly stated water service agreements and line extensions previously agreed to by Sierra Highlands and other property owners belonged to Sierra Highland alone and would not become obligations of the new LDPCSD.

Ahhh, but what’s the first thing this new LAFCO created public agency CSD started doing? That’s right…..expanding service outside the approved area of not only the area the CPUC had determined to be the legal service area boundary, but also, what State Water License 11395 had prescribed as the authorized PLACE OF USE for Merced River water pumped from Lake McClure!

When and how was Pete Kampa actually brought into the Lake Don Pedro “LAFCO ANNEXATION EXPANSION FAMILY” in the mid 1990s? Sure, we know when he started employment here, but what’s his background other than claiming to have worked in the Netherlands shortly before, which he has since removed from the internet for some reason? Was he connected in someway to one or more of the major players in this water scam potentially worth hundreds of millions perhaps billions in property sales, various developments, basically anything dependent upon the availability of quality potable water – in an other wise rural fractured rock drought prone rolling Oak boulder foothill cattle grazing region?

Folks with large parcels stood to make some big bucks if the scam were successful. Perhaps a connection with local government officials? Maybe family or friends related to the original developers of the subdivision and treatment facility?

Whatever. Doesn’t really matter because KAMPA was, and is, bad news all the way around with his arrogant disregard for established water regulations he has known about for over 20 years especially while consuming limited public funds and resources to circumvent license restrictions to provide a subsidized groundwater special benefit water service for his LAFCO ANNEXATIONS developed in the 1990s. And now planning to charge the VICTIMS EVEN MORE? Sorry, but that’s bullshit also.

My friends this is only another example of the leftist attack on our United States of America and system of law and justice. A redistribution of wealth, if you will, in the form of a public resource and intentionally LIMITED WATER SERVICE diverted from the thousands of legally entitled MR WECs in the subdivision to LAFCO ANNEXATIONS Pete Kampa set up himself 20 years ago when engaged in activities far beyond the scope and performance of his assigned duties.

When caught in the middle of his “annexation scam” Kampa just suddenly resigned and left for McCloud CSD in northern California where he then betrayed that community so egregiously in a NESTLES CONTRACT for bottled water, that then Attorney Jerry BROWN demanded the contract be reconstructed due to the one sided inequitable nature of the agreement and damage to that community. Who looks out for MR WECS?

Yes, Pete Kampa is a real piece of work and undoubtedly a money maker for the CSDA which maybe why they could apparently care less about his disingenuous and unethical special interest activities that are certainly not in the best interests of the 99% of legal MR WECs which make up the LDPCSD customer base of this SPECIAL DISTRICT. (Subdivision property owners are also essentially MANDATORY LDPCSD CUSTOMERS DUE TO CC&Rs THAT ARE ATTACHED TO THOSE CID, POA GOVERNED PROPERTIES.



This is absolute bullshit and raising rates on the victim customers is just salt in an open wound and should be challenged in any legally effective way possible.


Pete Kampa has attempted to maneuver around, circumvent and outright violate WL11395 for over 20 years for his pet annexations with the assistance of other entities which stood to gain something from this foothill water scam. Why doesn’t the CSDA take a close look at their long time board director and see what he has been up to in Lake Don Pedro for over twenty years? Heck, just take a look at the informational record on this website.

Is that the sort of representative THE CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICTS ASSOCIATION approves and teaching other directors, GMs, managers, etc?

Someone who would use another CSDA member to fabricate a government document for presentation to the STATE WATER BOARD?

900 acre residential subdivisions concealed from the public for over 20 years until only a few months prior to Pete Kampa’s unethical return to the scene of the original crime?

IF SO….special districts should be dropping the CSDA like a hot potato!

This is so damn frustrating because it is not just about the LDPCSD, but the over all invasion of our country by those with an arrogant and dismissive attitude for our laws and system of justice.

My best to you and yours, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.



The official recording was either started late, or cut off somehow, as there was no date, time, agency title or purpose of meeting announcement at the beginning – again.   The recording begins with Board President Danny Johnson stating Board members and staff were present but operations supervisor Randy Gilgo had stepped out for a moment but would be back.  Johnson then conducted the Pledge of Allegiance.   

Hey, let’s try something, instead of long exhausting videos, how about a mix of short audio/video clips with assorted other LAME STUFF along with written postings? The A/V sucks a tremendous amount of disk space and is time consuming but I believe worthy of keeping for future reference as there is much more to this than has been reported – by anyone thus far.

Besides, I really need to practice working with these audio/video programs.  The district can destroy meeting recordings after 30 days (along with other documents) but audio/video of their activities is pretty compelling evidence of what has transpired over the last few years.

Heck, it might even make a decent documentary of how a rural foothill public agency in the form of a COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT (CSD) [special district: as in CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICTS ASSOCIATION (CSDA)] split between two counties can essentially be privatized for third party private land developer benefit through the suspicious efforts of co-operating elected and appointed local resident directors. Directors who obviously refused to learn and consider our district’s factual history but instead allowed it to be incorrectly explained to them by a former rogue employee who actually set up many of these PROBLEM LAFCO ANNEXATIONS 20 years earlier without board authorization or direction!

Oh yeah, almost forgot….. and appointed general manager and board treasurer, given access to over one million dollars in cash without even a basic background check! Not even of his prior employment with the LDPCSD – which in itself was EXTREMELY REVEALING AS TO HIS UNETHICAL PRIOR EMPLOYMENT ACTIVITIES!

Who knows? Perhaps all that was supposedly to have disappeared as a result of the destruction of the administration office by arson 7 years ago on February 27th, 2012?

Yup, board members who INTENTIONALLY refused to display a modicum of responsibility concerning issues like double checking the legality (or instructing GM to) of proposed district actions with appropriate State authorities PRIOR to signing off on such major managerial and operational changes negatively affecting the 99% of legal customers located within the residential subdivision.

Special interest decisions benefiting outside water license service area property owners with LAFCO ANNEXED LAND yet negatively affecting the thousands of legal customers owning property in the WATER ENTITLED Davis-Sterling ACT (California Civil Code), Common Interest Development, Property Owners Association governed, Lake Don Pedro residential subdivision with CC&Rs (Covenants, Codes and Conditions) attached to the title of their property regulating property use for perpetuity!

MR WECS (Merced River Water Entitled Customers of the subdivision) are not only entitled to that Merced River water, but have paid for it dearly already in many ways for decades and will continue to for perpetuity, whereas LAFCO ANNEXED PROPERTIES do not have those same legal obligations, responsibilities, and property restrictions.

Yeah, I know, blah, blah, blah……broken record syndrome ….

Anyway, here’s the beginning of the meeting…..

My best to you and yours, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.


FOUND IT! Wrong aspect ratio on a reversed clip! Knew it was my error somehow. Keeping rough cuts is helpful when backtracking to find a boo boo that freezes up software! lol Last week program kept crashing and locking up. Yup, hard drive space strikes again. No where close to the 15%-20% suggested free space that should be available. Shuffled some folders and PRESTO! Working like a charm again.

Just like people in some respects I would imagine. Our heads/hearts get so full of life’s daily clutter our blessings are sometimes taken for granted and the pleasures in life diminished with constant work, worry and frustration.

Well, if only there was a way to share that load with …….”HEY PARTNER! Sounds like you could use your own, freshly grown genetically enhanced and imprinted clone by the FOOLMEONCE CORP to take care of all that work and worry for you!”


Can you imagine the resulting number of domestic calls from clone homes? Imagine how we now already internally argue with ourselves about all sorts of stuff – but then giving that “little voice” (or voices) an independent functioning body as well?

“Unit 256, another call from that same residence pending now – he’s apparently fighting with himself again and the others are refusing to become involved at this time – genetic services has been contacted and a counselor has been dispatched to the location for identification.”


My best to you and yours, Lew

…I’m serious…knock it off! 🙂

PS, Actually the “F” stood for “final” as there were sooooo many files produced trying to find the culprit that was causing the problem. When it was finally corrected that “F” looked pretty good either way it was interpreted. lol

Categories: Uncategorized.


Everyone has an opinion and that’s great, unfortunately not everyone with an opinion bases such on factual information. Take our LDPCSD for instance, without having researched the matter extensively & serving on the board for 4 years, I too could easily believe the DECEITFUL BULLSHIT published by the Lake Don Pedro CSD regarding water license 11395 and the legal PLACE OF USE for MERCED RIVER WATER. (FAKE DOCUMENTS INCLUDING MAPS!) Sadly, this incorrect information has been created and used by GM/Treasurer PETE KAMPA [and his Kampa Community Solutions llc; or KCS; or KAMPACS MANAGEMENT COMPANY] in an effort to further expand special benefit subsidized groundwater replacement service for LAFCO ANNEXATIONS outside the subdivision POU he set up 20 years earlier! Naturally, with the already victimized MR WECS of the subdivision paying all additional costs for this continuing water scam. shame shame shame!

PS: Please strive to resist the extreme left’s “dumbing down” of our society and common sense notions of right and wrong – that’s where it all begins!

My best to you and yours, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.


May I remind the witness they are still under Oath and subject to charges of perjury for knowingly providing false information to this Congressional Committee, so consider carefully and answer truthfully the following question, with a simple “YES” or “NO” answer as I have a number of other extremely important questions to ask you within my time limit:

Have you ceased mistreating and/or physically abusing animals? – yes or no.”

(Witness surprised by the obvious disingenuous nature of the question), “Madam Congresswoman, I indeed have a 10 year old canine companion by the name of Deogi (pronounced the same way as the English alphabet letters of “D” “O” “G”), but never,  either as a government employee or individual in the private sector, have I ever -”   

Congresswoman interrupts, “Mr. Chairman let the record reflect the witness has never ever stopped physically mistreating that poor creature held in captivity for over a decade while inexplicably also refusing to acknowledge that life form with the customary gesture of furnishing a name for the animal, preferring to just call it dog.”  

Sound crazy?  You bet!   But stuff similar to the above nonsense was on television today and being conducted by congressional representatives who claim to serve the citizens of this nation.  Good grief. Over, and over, and over again, stupid leading trick questions prefaced with politically motivated and highly biased opening remarks.

Surprised?  You shouldn’t be – this sort of garbage was promised to start happening as soon as the House of Representatives became “their” majority playground for the continued obstruction of meaningful progress.

Seriously, it was difficult to believe there was any sincere underlying attempt to uncover truth judging by the questions being asked, as they were clearly trick questions even children learn to recognize.  Compounded multiple questions in one, with only a “yes – no” answer option?

Clearly disingenuous construction since either way a witness might answer, they will be subjecting themselves to wrongful accusations, charges, or somehow “implicated in” whatever, based solely on some ridiculous, misconstrued, out of context conclusion of intentionally providing “false or misleading statements” – all due to the witness recognizing the trap construction and choosing to provide an appropriate, intelligent, and logical response. But even then, AG Whitaker was often prevented from finishing an honest and appropriate response as the “question baiting excuse for a representative” would quickly cut him off with a nasty “witness refuses to answer the question……moving on to the next question…….”.


How many of us, during a moment of emotional excitement, have expressed something that was not representative of how we actually intellectually or logically perceived or believed about a particular situation?  You know what I mean?  Those “off the cuff”, spontaneous, emotionally triggered inappropriate comments without much thought versus the underlying logic and dismissal of something perceived as being very wrong, perhaps even intentionally biased?

“With a call like that the referee should be tarred and feathered in the parking lot!”

A controversial sports ruling hardly warrants such an archaic humiliating punishment.

“All the politicians on that side are dishonest leftist crooks!”

One honest public serving politician makes that statement incorrect.

“Such traitors to our country should be executed”

Please define “traitor”.

WANT EVIDENCE OF A CRIME?  GO FISHING WITH TAX DOLLARS!  (It might be out there – or at least something close that can be pressed into service like “real evidence” and dressed up for sale to a gullible public….. all the while the truth of a matter is obscured and sacrificed on the alter of deceptive televised political games.)

OK, so the NSA (and others?) apparently copy and store everything citizens communicate in vast storage facilities located in Utah and elsewhere.  We are told it is really no big deal because no one is actually listening or studying the material in “real time” and it is only stored in case of need for retrieval at some time in the future, you know, “after the fact” of something occurring.

Ahhhh, OK I guess, especially if such data collection assists protecting the country from terrorists – why not?   Not much I can do about it anyway, besides, I have nothing to hide, in fact, come to think of it, I hope patriotic officials, agents, and departmental staff in legitimate state and federal government offices, not yet corrupted by the “deep state left”, are indeed listening to private telephone conversations regarding the shenanigans going on in this country – and here in Lake Don Pedro for decades also! lol

Listen to my telephone calls all you want. Not very interesting. Most of it likely consists of typical blah, blah, blah about local political corruption and how it has incrementally destroyed property values within the Lake Don Pedro subdivision. Or how it (corruption) has cost the MERCED RIVER WATER ENTITLED CUSTOMERS (MR WECs) much more for their water service through the years which completely negates all the reasons for forming a special district in the first place.

Heck, my telephone conversations are so boring surveillance technicians could perform a variety of other duties while listening to the “broken record” complaints about the LDPCSD. They could watch TV, listen to music, maybe have a meal or snack “on the clock” while listening to my repetitious complaints all day long without a single cause for concern. However, they should also be aware, a conversation could suddenly change and truly represent an immediate problem.

Imagine, perhaps they are snacking on the job and attempting to swallow a large bite of chunky cream cheese filling from a huge bloated warm doughnut just as I describe the best home remedy for a large erupted canine sebaceous cyst on my companion’s right hip. gulp.

Unfortunately, it does seem sometimes that the ugliest, most unappealing, and foul smelling aspects of our political system do ooze out from such “politically biased eruptions” – like in today’s organized harassment of the acting Attorney General.

Guess I should just hope no sports referee is ever tarred and feathered in a parking lot somewhere because of a bad call between now and when I depart this plane of existence, or, perhaps some day an “off the rail investigator” fishing around for as of yet unidentified perpetrators, might be questioning yours truly about potential involvement because I joked about it in a past post. Never say never, yeah?

“But, but, but…..I have NEVER tarred and feathered ANYTHING or ANYONE in my life! ….the restrained suspect was heard screaming prior to being gagged, bagged, and dragged from the courtroom for refusing to answer a multitude of perjury trap compounded questions with A DEMANDED SINGULAR REQUIRED “YES” or “NO” RESPONSE.

While doing something else and listening to the continuing televised embarrassment in the background, I heard something that “caught my ear”. I didn’t recognize the female voice so I grabbed my trusty digital recorder and backtracked to the statement on the TV DVR to catch the name of the person speaking. I wanted to know who she was because it was one of the few statements during the entire process that made sense and pretty much described what I was thinking anyway.

Turned out to be a Mrs. Debbie Lesko, looked her up – she is the Representative for the Arizona 8th District.

Below is her statement prior to her own questioning of current acting US Attorney General Matthew Whitaker:


“Thank you, ah, I have to say that I’m very disappointed in this hearing.  You know, I ran for congress to get things done. And ah, at the beginning of this you know, we were told that this is about, asking about DOJ (Department of Justice) oversight, and some legitimate questions and here we are, it’s nothing but character assassination, harassment of our witness and its really disappointing.  At first I was mad.  I have to tell you when this thing started hours ago I went outside and a reporter asked me, “What do you think of the hearing?” And I said it’s a joke, but now, it’s just sad.  It’s sad because we were on the floor just a little while ago talking about ah, how we were honoring our late representative Dingle and talking about bi-partisanship and how we need to get things done, yet here we are with a blatant political show that doesn’t help anything.  I imagine if American people are watching this right now they’d be shaking their heads, like, “what are you doing there?”  We need to work together to get things done…….”    


“What are you doing there?”

Viewer’s perspective:


The question works for me – with the addition of a few extra unnecessary expletives followed with a proposal of “taking them all out to the parking lot to join a sticky feathered referee!” lol

Sure would be far more entertaining if the more intelligent and honest VICTIM WITNESS could have responded with the same sort of disrespect and lack of accountability as those asking the stupid “bait” questions ….. might I suggest a possibility for the next round? Something like ….

“Madam Congresswoman/Mr. Congressman, thank you for your question, please accept my sincere response question to you with the same simple yes-no answer requirement:

Have you had any success at all, regardless of how minimally effective, in removing your anti-American obstructionist head from your arrogant, misguided socialist fat ass?  Yes or No?   

My best to you and yours, Lew  🙂

Categories: Uncategorized.


Probably the later, yeah? Another Lew’s Almost Music Expression with this particular project focused on just a feeling,….wha, ah, whaa, ahhhh,whaaaa……fee……lings, nothing more than feeee……..lings!

You know what? I am really starting to like this new menu structure….still a little trouble finding my “backside” at times, but like the above link – simple. Probably like everything else in life – experience counts and the only way to obtain experience is by doing.

Looking east towards foothills

My best to you and yours, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.


My best to you and yours, Lew

PS, Please excuse any posting formation errors that might pop as I learn a new menu structure (like I could expertly navigate the previous one! LOL!)

Someone recently told me they really appreciated the new way and found it easier to use. OK, guess I’ll catch up eventually as I am still having difficulty finding my ass with both hands! lol

Yup, a creature of habit and once I learn something that produces satisfactory results, I stick to that procedure. There is NO DOUBT I fail to use ANY TECHNOLOGY TO ITS MAXIMUM CAPABILITIES.

I have used computers for my limited purposes for years even though not fully understanding how they work. I don’t use all the programming abilities of my CD player; or configured my telephone with all the “bells and whistles”; same with digital cameras, handy cams, audio recorders, (you already know about the guitar and keyboard! lol), etc., but somehow I squeeze out some semblance of what I’m attempting accomplish.

However, throw one little wrench in the moving gears of that machinery-like process and I am dead in the water, so to speak.

Oh dear….guess who just discovered how to background color a block? Use a different color font? Just had to find the right command….same as the guitar—several hundred wrong notes must be played to get the four or five that didn’t cause me to cringe with audio displeasure! lol

Still having trouble manipulating images (size and scale). I’m making the changes but somehow failing to incorporate the changes into the post. No biggie. I’ll probably accidentally discover how when not even trying!

OK, pretty long PS, yeah? lol

My best to you and yours, again, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.